90. Feel better now

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Yu's pov.

It will pass by. It will pass by soon. It's okay. It's all gonna be okay.

That's all I could think since that day. But it's been freaking 4 days, it's still hasn't pass by.

Those people, mostly girls from other schools still come to our school every morning and after school. They're cheering for us, for whatever their reason is.

I don't really care about them actually, but the people in our school act different. I mean, some of them act different.

I know that not all people could accept things like this. Even in my late school, they didn't accept me too. But still, it still hurts that people look at me in disgust. Like I'm a disease  or something like that. Like I'm something disgusting..

"Yu, what you want to eat?" Sam asked, woke me up from my daydream.

I stared at him. He looks so fine. I mean, looks like he doesn't really bother about people. Thankfully.

"Hm, I'm not really hungry.." I muttered softly, Sam then frowned his face, I know that he would be angry to me if I don't eat, "I'll just eat anything." I said then with a smile.

Sam smiled back at me. "I'll order you a beef burger, is that okay?"

I nodded. Sam always understand me after all.

Then I kept looking at Sam while he walked to the counter to order our foods. He looks so cool.

"Admiring your boyfriend?" Then someone surprised me with a sudden question.

I was really surprised but then sighed in relieve when I saw that it was Jack.

Jack then sit in front of me, he even bring his food with him.

"Where is Tian?" Then he asked, started to eat his food.

"He said that he has a family gathering or something like that." I answered lightly.

Jack just nodded his head slowly then he looked around. Me too, I looked around because Jack did so.

"You're famous now." Then he said.

I scoffed softly. Well. There are a lot of people in the cafetaria now. I realized it earlier that most of them were looking at me and Sam since we get in here, I was forget about it for a while, but thanks to Jack now I am aware of it again.

"Well." I muttered softly. I don't know what to say about this.

Jack then kept looking at me, but he said nothing for a few seconds.

"What?" I asked him because it's getting awkward now.

"Just.. I want to tell you that it's okay. You have Sam. And me." Jack said quietly and even more quieter at the last words.

I smiled softly. Jack is right. I have Sam, and Jack, and Tian, and Ray. I'm sure that they will protect me.

I mean this time, this time is different than what happened last time. This time, my boyfriend didn't leave me, my friends too didn't leave me, so why should I feel so anxious about it.

"Why are you here? Where is your gang?" Sam came back and asked Jack while his hand caressed my head.

Jack lifted up his face and looked at Sam, but he said nothing and back to eating his food.

"He ignored me on purpose, right?" Sam then asked me.

I chuckled softly. Jack was indeed ignoring Sam on purpose.

But even so, Jack kept sitting there, and Sam didn't bother him anymore. Sam even stole Jack's sausage and eat it, and Jack just let him.

I kept looking at them while thinking that things change really fast. Who would imagine that they were enemies just a few months ago. But now they are close enough to share food.

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