65. I'm ( not ) fine

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Yu's pov.

It's been 4 days since we're back at school, 3 days since I got the panic attack again, and I was fine until now.

I said it that I'm fine for thousand times. But still.. isn't this too much?

"You don't have to follow me here, Sam." I said to him. We're in the bathroom. At his house. He really didn't have to follow me here. I was just need to take a pee by the way.

"It's okay. Go ahead, I won't look." He said with a sly smirk.

"You don't have to stick with me 24/7, Sam." I told him after I'm finished with my business.

Sam stared at me for a while, what is he thinking? He looks like he want to say something. But then he smiled.

"I'll miss you if I don't see your face even for just a minute." Then he said.

I rolled my eyes. Sam and his super power on creating cringy words. Not that I hate it. It just sometimes it still hard to get used to it.

I still live in Sam's house. It's been a few days, I wonder how is my own flat sometimes. But I have to admit that it feels so good to stay here. I mean comfortable. Way so much comfortable.

"What you want to eat tonight, young master Yusuke?" Asked Auntie after we're done changing our school uniform.

I smiled at Auntie's offer, since I live here, Auntie always asked what I want to eat for dinner.

"Anything, Auntie. Anything you cook is really good." I told her sincerely.

Auntie giggled softly. She likes it when I complimented her cook.

"What about me? You don't ask me what I want to eat?" Sam then asked.

This kind of question is being asked a lot by Sam lately. But rather than feel annoyed everytime I heard it, I find that Sam is very cute when he asked this to everyone.

"You always eat anything I cook for you, young master Sam." Auntie said politely. Then she bow a little and left us.

Sam said nothing, he just kept looking at Auntie back with his funny face. I laughed softly looking at him.

We're at the side of the pool now. This is our favorite place after school. I haven't came back to the coffee shop yet, Ray prevented to work. He even prevented me just to come at the coffee shop. What a boss.

"Yu.." Sam called me softly.

"Um?" I replied him right away.

Sam kept staring at me. He always like this these past few days. He called me, but then he just smiled and ended up no saying anything.

Like this time too. He just smiled, then ruffled my hair gently. What the hell Sam.

"Sammy." I called him back.

Sam raised his eyebrows, staring right through my eyes, smiling widely without opening his lips. Damn it. I won't be fooled by him again.

"Just say it." I told him seriously. "I know you want to say something since days ago. So say it now."

What can I say, I'm running out of my patience. I can't be patient like Sam to me. Call me a jerk, but this is me.

Sam chuckled softly. What the.. I was being serious.

"You look scary.." He said softly ruffling my hair again.

Of course I look scary. That's what I intend to. Can't you see that I'm mad to you.

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