39. Deja vu

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Yu's pov.

I stared at the bright sky, it's really bright, and dazzling, but I kept staring up to the sky.

It always helps me to calm, the wind, the sky, I took a deep breath, I thought it would help me to calm but well it didn't work this time.

"You're alone."

Some voice surprised the hell out of me. I looked back at the source of the voice. Feeling a little deja vu. Luckily I didn't stand on the edge like that time.

"What you doing here?" I asked Jack who came to approach me casually.

"I never know there is a place like this. I thought it should be forbidden for students to up here." He said not answering my question.

I gave up to ask him and back to staring at the sky above me.

"Is there something wrong with Sam?" Jack suddenly asked.

I turned my head to look at him but well he didn't even look at me so I threw my gaze back to the sky.

But I didn't answer his question. Not because I don't want to, but I don't know the answer too.

That is why I'm here anyway.

Jack was standing a few feet away from me, I just realized it now that he always do this lately, keep a distance between us. 

"Oh!" I shouted a little just remembering something.

Jack was startled because of me. I smiled sorry but I just remembered something I wanted to ask to Jack.

"How did you know Aaron?" I asked softly.

I've been curious about this since that day he talked about Aaron but I didn't have the chance to ask him. I mean I don't want to talk about Aaron in front of Sam.

"Can I ask something too?" Jack asked me back without answering my question. Again.

I said nothing, it's not like I can forbid him from asking anything, it's up to me to answer his questions anyway.

"What's your relationship with Aaron?" Jack asked.

Okay I don't want to answer that.

"He won't act like that if you two just friends." Jack said again.

"Like how?" I asked slowly.

It was hurt to hear anything about Aaron back when Evan and Richard talked about him, that was why I didn't ask them more. But I feel better now, hearing his name doesn't hurt me that much again.

Jack sighed softly and let out a cigarette, he offered it to me first but I don't smoke so I shook my head. Then he lit it up and let out the white smoke slowly. 

Luckily he kept his distance from me, I don't really like the smell of cigarette smoke.

"He's so persistent. He kept asking me about you, he asked how are you at first, then he asked where you live and where your work is." Jack explained slowly. "Fucking everyday."

I sighed softly. Aaron is the type of person who will never give up easily.

"You meet him everyday?" I asked surprised just realizing Jack's last word.

Jack blinked a few times staring at me.

"Do you have a debt with him?" He asked suddenly.

"Huh?" I ask back bewildered.

"How much do you owe him?" He asked again.

"Wait no, that's not.." I almost laugh with Jack's question.

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