28. Chicken

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Sam's pov.

"They won't do anything to Yu right?" I asked Tian on our way to the chicken restaurant.

I don't know where it is, but we kept walking near the hospital to find it.

"They didn't look dangerous." I said again.

Tian still didn't say anything. It was strange that Tian remained silent. But he's not the main important person to me right now.

"What if they hurt Yu?" I asked again.

"Just stop it." Tian finally snapped. "Why did you leave them alone if you were this restless?"

I froze. Tian was right. Why did I leave him. I had promised myself that I won't leave him. But I did.

I took a deep breathe.

"I want to eat chicken." I said softly.

"Stupid." Tian muttered softly.

Yes I am.

We finally found the chicken restaurant after a few minutes walked. I ordered 5 combos, I ordered for Yu's friends too. Yu looks close with them so I have to be nice to them.

"Ray didn't reply to my text." Tian said suddenly.

He's been busy with his phone for awhile. So he texted Ray.

"You knew his number?" I asked him surprised. I haven't given him Ray's number yet.

Tian nodded. "I kinda got it by force last night."

I narrowed my eyes to him and asked. "Did something happen last night? Ray didn't even come back here."

Tian kept looking at me with a straight face but then his face is gradually flushing red. What the hell.

"What did you.." I was about to ask again but then stopped.

I guessed I don't want to hear the answer. Well I said I will support him and everything but I wasn't ready to hear about it.

"No. Don't say it." I said and leave him after my orders done.

Tian is now grinning widely. What's wrong with this stupid head.

We went back to hospital. I wondered if they had finished their talk. Did the crybaby still cry. Or did he makes Yu cry with him.

I don't want to see Yu cry, but somehow I kinda wished he cry so that I could pampered him. Damn I should check out my brain, what if I actually a machocist. That would be scary.

But when I opened the door, I got surprised. I expected Yu to cry but I found him smiling and laughing heartily. This is much better. How could I expect him to cry.

"You're come." Yu finally realized my presence and talked to me with his bright smile.

It feels like I haven't seen this bright smile for a long time. Damn it, I miss him.

"I should introduce you guys." Yu said after I get closer.

"This is Sam and Tian." He told his friends first, then turned his head to me and Tian, "This is Evan and Richard. They were my friends from my old school."

"We're still friends." Said the crybaby named Evan as he held out his hand.

I should have shaken that hand, but I didn't want to. Luckily Tian grabbed his and shook his hand instead.

"I'm Yusuke's new friend." Tian said proudly.

The quiet guy named Richard scoffed softly, "It's been a long time since I heard someone called Yu by his full name."

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