84. Helmet

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Yu's pov.

"Do you wanna go somewhere else?" Jack asked me while on our way.

I tilted my head to look at his face. Why did he ask me this question?

"I just thought that maybe, I mean maybe.. you just want to get away from Sam for a while. That maybe you don't really miss the cafe. That it was just your excuse to stay away from Sam and get your own time." Jack said without looking at me.

How.. how could he know..

"Am I wrong?" Then he asked again.

I laughed softly. "Well you're not really wrong.." I told him honestly.

"I know a place. I'll take you there. You can stay there for like 30 minutes. Before Sam finds out that I don't bring you straight to the cafe. He will kill me if he knows." Jack said more.

I just laughed at him. Jack is unexpectedly always right.

"Rather than go to the place that you know, can you take me somewhere else. I kind of still have this trauma to follow you to the place that you know." I told Jack honestly with a soft chuckles. I mean the last time he took me somewhere, that place is still haunting me.

Jack laughed softly. Thank God he wasn't offended with what I said.

"Fine. Tell me. I'll take you there."

I smiled widely.

"Take me to Aaron's house."

But then Jack suddenly stop the bike. So suddenly. That was dangerous. I'm glad that there is no vehicles behind us.

"Are you crazy, Yu?!" Then he shouted at me.

I blinked my eyes trying to control my breathe first. Damn, I almost got an accident.

"Look, Jack.."

"No. Hell no! What the hell you want to the with that asshole? Aren't you guys over?"

"We're over."

"Then get over with it!"

"This is my way to trying to get over with it!" I shouted back at him.

Jack stayed quiet for a second. He kept glaring at me before he sighed and looked away.

"Jack please.. you're the only one who can help me. You know I can't ask this to Sam or Ray, or anyone else. And.. I don't have the gut to go alone.. So.."

"You went alone just fine last time." Jack cut me.

"Yeah, and I almost kill myself." I said quietly.

Jack sighed. "Yeah I heard about that."

"So please.."

"That was stupid Yu, you know it."

"I know."

"And this too."

"I know."

Jack said nothing more, he just kept staring at me.

"Please.." I said again.

Actually, this is my plan from the start. I tried to find a time to ask Jack to get me to Aaron's house for the past few days. But Sam stick with me like 24/7. I don't hate it. Of course not. But as Jack said, I need my own time for now.

And I need to see if Aaron is fine now. So that I can move on.

"Jack please.."

I almost cry right now. I don't know, I mean, I've been such a crybaby for awhile. I don't want to cry in front of anyone else, but it was really hard to hold tears.

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