78. Run

232 9 3

Yu's pov.

After an hour, more or less, we've been talked a lot of nonsense with Tian. Then after a while I realized that I didn't hear Sam's laugh anymore. That's when I find out that he fall asleep.

This is my time.

"Tian." I called Tian softly, try not to wake Sam up.


"Can you stay here for a while, I need to go somewhere." I told him almost in whisper.

Tian looked at me right away, widened his eyes. "Where?"

"Just for a little while." I can't tell him where.

Tian kept looking at me then he sighed. "You heard us, didn't you?"

I said nothing. I heard them.

"I need to meet him." I said.

"No. You're not. We'll find another way, Yusuke." Tian told me in whisper, thank God he knows that we can't speak loud right now.

They were stupid enough to talk in front of the door when they thought that I was sleeping. I mean, I did sleeping but then the sound of the door woke me up. And just like that, I could hear all the things that they talked about outside. They didn't even hold their voice.

"Stay here. Tell Sam that I need to grab something at home if he wake up before I get back." I said again, ready to leave.

"No, wait, Yusuke." Tian tried to hold me.

But I didn't even turn my head to look at him. I have to finish this soon.

"Wait." Tian ran pass by me and hold the door to open. He really tried hard to stop me.

"Move." I told him softly but firmly.

Tian shakes his head. "No. I won't let you."

I sighed softly. "Tian, please.."

"No. Sam would kill me if he know. Ray would kill me too if he know. Why don't you just kill me first then?" He said in whisper.

I sighed again. "I will kill someone, but not you." I said then shove him away so that I can go out.

"No. Yusuke!"

I ignored Tian and open the door, but then froze when I found Ray standing in front of me.

He froze too. Well, the situation right now is rather funny with Tian holding my hand and I tried to run away from him.

But with Ray is here, it would be harder to go. So I have to move fast.

"I'm sorry." I said softly then pushed Ray down to the floor, and pulled my hand from Tian. My best chance to run is when Ray stay on the floor.

"Stop him!"

Then I heard Tian shouted. Damn it. Why is this feels like I really run away from them.

I almost get to the elevator. Just a few more steps. Almost there.. but then my feet suddenly floats in the air. There is only one person who could do this.

"Ray, let go of me." I tried to escape from Ray.

But hell, he's so strong.

"You think you can run away from me?" Ray asked sternly.

"No." I replied the truth. But at least I have to try.

"Let go.." I kept trying.

We're in front of the elevator, when the door open, the people inside looking at us weirdly. Of course because Ray is holding me and I tried to get off of him. It almost like Ray is about to kidnap me.

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