11. Lovesick

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Sam's pov.

Jack is really good at provoking me. It has been so many times, more than a hundred times that he called me prince, but I never be this angry before.

Well actually my mood is not that good since morning, and Jack is like the trigger. I almost lost my patience until Tian came to help.

I really glad that Tian came at the right time. I never be this happy to see his face.

"Move your ass." Tian said with his blank face.

Even his way to talked sound so satisfying for me. I must be crazy to think that Tian looks cool right now.

"Captain." Jack greeted Tian with a big smile.

Jack is actually the member of our basketball team. That if we play as a school team. But we become a rival if the competition is between classes. And Jack is one of the member that hard to manage. Even for Tian.

He just always called Tian as a captain but he never really followed his words. So even Tian sometimes just giving up to Jack. 

"Just move. I'm so fucking tired right now, I don't want to see your face." Tian said again with an annoyed face.

Well played Tian. I'm glad to have him as my friend for the first time.

Actually, Tian was the only one who could talk like this to Jack and not make him angry. I know that Jack is one of those students that others fear. Because of his big stature, scary face, and of course his bad attitude.

But it was like even though he didn't always follow Tian's words, Jack still had respect for Tian because Tian was his captain.

Jack just smiled at Tian and handed him his chair. It was satisfying to see how Tian was able to tame this mad bear.

And just like that, Jack drifted away from us.

"I'm starving." Tian said looking at our food.

"Eat this. I'll order again." I said and gladly giving my food to him.

But Tian pushed it back to me. "It's not enough. I need rice." He said that and get up from his seat to the stall behind.

I just smiling and let him do what he wants to do. Tian is always unpredictable.

I started to unwrap my burger then I noticed that Yu kept staring at me. But he didn't say anything.

"Hm?" I asked him first or he won't say anything.

"Who was that?" He asked softly.

I blinked, I thought he asked about Tian for a second but then I remember about Jack.

"Jack?" I answered and asked at the same time to make a sure.

Yu nodded once. He looks curious. But he looks cute. He might be curious about a lot of things about Jack. But before that.

"Why you thanking Jack?" I asked him my curiosity first.

"Ah.. that.." Yu is clearing his throat softly and looked around.

I don't know why he looked around first, there are so many people around us and they were busy in their own world. Even though a few moments ago they did pay attention us out of curiosity. Well people always attached to other people's business. I'm used to it.

"Actually there were some girls who asked me why I sit here with you." Yu started to explain slowly.

"Who?" I asked him seriously.

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