5. Yusuke

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YU's Pov.

New school, new friends, new life.

I take a long breath and let it out slowly from my mouth, I did it three times, maybe more. I've heard about it somewhere that it can help when you're feeling nervous.

I've been standing in front of the school gate for five minutes. I shouldn't stay right here, people keep glancing over me. But my heart is beating really fast right now, why is it so scary just to get through that gate.

I let out another long breath. Okay that's it. You have to do it anyway. It will be fine. Everything will be fine.

"Hi, we never see you before. New kid?"

Some girls greet me on my way to the teacher's room. They keep staring at me curiously. What should I do, they're scary.

"What's your name?" She asked again.

Should I give her my name. But I don't really want to do it.

"Um, we're talking to you." The other girl said.

I know. But sorry, you guys are too scary. And I'm too nervous right now. So give me a minute.

"Okay.. what a jerk." The first girl who asked me mumbling but I can hear her well.

Maybe they're angry because I didn't answer their question. What was their question again. No, wait, why am I suddenly being a jerk. I mean I'm just too nervous right now.

"Let's go guys, what a waste of time."

"But he's good looking though."

And they just left me standing there. What was just happened. I've opened my mouth to say my name but anyway I should have at least ask them where the teacher's office is.

Fortunately I was finally able to find the office without needing to ask anybody.

"Maruyama Yusuke. Japanese?" Mrs jenni, the teacher asked me.

It's a rhetorical question, so I don't give her any response.

"12 B." She said again and give me a look. "That's your class. On that building." She pointed the building across the field, with her eyes.

I nodded my head slowly and getting out from the office. Why is everyone look scary at here. But I should have expected this. This is my choice to move to the new school so I have to face it.

I'm a timid person. I always find people's staring are scary and that's why I can't really talk with people. But I know they didn't know what's on my mind so they're gonna say that I am cold. But let it be. I don't like to talk if it's not necessary anyway.

12B.. 12B.. I keep repeating that on my mind. I tend to forget things easily. I was too focused on finding the class until I didn't recognize the person in front of me and crash on him.

Ugh, it feels like I hit a wall. It hurt.

"I'm sorry!" He shouted first.

It surprise me. But then I realize that the things inside my bag is now scattering all over the floor. Great. How can I forgot to close my bag after gave the teacher my data earlier.

Oh gotta save the glasses first, what if someone step on it. I can't afford to buy a new one now.

"You're the one who crash over me."

The one who's helping me now suddenly said. I raise my head and look at him, so he's the person I crash with, he has a sturdy body, no wonder it feels like I hit a wall. A handsome wall.

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