7. Posessive

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Sam's pov.

"How you got to school usually?" I asked Yu after the wound was finished dressing.

Tian is the one who finished it. Not that I could't do it but Tian is the best at treating and dressing wound because he does it often to our team members. So I trusted Yu to him.

"Bus." Yu answered shortly.

"Then I'll take you home." I told him.

"Why?" Yu asked.

"Yeah, why?" Tian asked too.

Well I ask myself too, why, and the answer is simple, because I want it.

"He's hurt." I answered differently to Tian because he's closer and annoying. 

"It's just a scratch." Tian said.

I looked at Yu who's nodding to Tian's word. What is this, is Yu cooperating with Tian to against me.

"Why are you agreeing with him?" I asked Yu.

Yu looked at me and just stay quiet. He must be puzzled. Well actually me too. Why did I get angry to him.

"I mean.. I can go by myself." Yu finally saying his words.

"No, I'll take you home. You can't say no."

"Why?" Tian asked again.

He is really annoying today.

"I talked to Yu." I said to him pissed.

Tian say nothing anymore but he's glaring at me. I don't care, he's annoying.

"Let's go." I asked Yu to follow me but he just keep standing where he is now.

I was angry with him but looking at him now, he looks like a lost cat. His face is really cute right now. I shouldn't smile. He's a bad cat.

"What?" I asked him trying to hold my smile.

"I.." Yu started to talk but then he got silent and just kept glancing at me.

What is he trying to say.

"You don't wanna Sam to take you home?" Tian asked him being a smart-ass.

Why would Yu doesn't want me to take him home. That's ridiculous.

"Sorry.." Yu said softly.

Wait he said sorry, is that mean that Tian is right. Shit.

"You don't want me to take you home? That's what you're trying to say?" I asked Yu again because I just couldn't believe in this idea.

"It's not like I don't want to but.. I need to go somewhere." Yu explained again with his soft voice.

Hearing him talking softly like this is really testing my patience. I used to talked with people whose loud, like Tian. But Yu is always talking really softly and also slowly. But then I realized that because of the way Yu talks, it make me put more attention to him.

"Where?" I asked him curios.

Again Yu is just staring at me. He thinks a lot before saying anything on his mind. I need to spell my self. Be patient Sam, be patient.

"Okay, what happened with both of you?" Tian suddenly asked us.

He even standing between me and Yu. I just realized, since when did I being this close to Yu. Maybe I was unconsciously walk closer to him when we were talk earlier. But Yu was just standing there, he's not even move back for a bit.

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