45. Terminator Mode

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Ray's pov.

I still can't believe what I saw on the map earlier. Is he really here? Yu is?

This kid is really testing my patience.

I never consider him as my son but hell if he's my son I swear I'll ground him to the worst ground ever.

How could he came to a club when he's still underage. And not with me but by himself?

I mean, it's okay if he's curious about it but he should at least asked me to take him here.

Damn it. He really know how to makes me angry.

I parked my car in front of the club and saw people are waiting in line to get inside the club. I could see it from afar that the security here checked their ID. So how the hell Yu could get inside.

I get down from the car, then cut the line, ignoring all the shouts of swear from everyone and come over to the security.

"Yo bro, you shouldn't cut the line." The security told me not so nicely.

"I came here to find someone." I said not that nicely too then let out my phone and show him Yu's face. "You see him before?"

The security guard didn't even take a glance at my phone and he pushed me back.

"No man. Now wait it the line if you want to get in." He said more fiercely.

I sighed softly. This is very frustrating.

"Look." I said as I pushed him back to the wall and hold him there with my hand. I once again show him my phone, "Have you ever seen this kid or not?"

He is a bit bigger than me but I could feel it that I am stronger than him. But I knew that this is not a smart move because there are a lot of security here.

And they're coming at me.

But before they got me, the one in front of me now is finally look at my phone and finally soften his voice.

"No man. I haven't seen this kid. He looks underage. We don't let underage to get inside the club." He said now a little nicely.

That's what I want to hear. He shouldn't be here. But I don't believe him. So I get inside anyway. Without waiting on the line.

There are a lot of people here. The music is too loud, the light is too dim, but the color light is bright and keep moving. I hate a place like this. It makes me dizzy.

But hell I have to find Yu because when I checked the tracker once again, he's still here.

I get on the floor and looking at everyone's face but there is no Yu.

I looked around and still can't find Yu anywhere.

Maybe I should ask someone. So I came over to the bar and asked the bartender here.

"Hey, I look for someone." I said soon as I sit on the high chair.

"Who?" The bartender asked nicely. He's a fine good looking young man with a full tattoo on his hand.

I showed him Yu's face on my phone, he looked at it for a few second but then shook his head.

"Sorry man, there are a lot of people here, but I don't think I've seen him before." He said with a charming smile.

He must be popular around the girls.

"You can ask the guard right there." He said again being nice.

I just smirked, "Yeah those good for nothing guards." I mumbled softly.

They kept watching me since earlier but they couldn't even dare to come close to me.

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