53. Option

351 22 6

Sam's pov.

Life is good these days.

I have Yu, the love of my life. I have Tian, an old friend who stay beside me with all his stupidity. I have Ray, a cousin who sometimes act more like a father in law, and there is Jack, I hate to admit it but well he's not that bad. I never know that we could be friends.

Anyway. It's all good. Really.

Yu and I enjoying our relationship so much. It's great. I love him more everyday, I feel that Yu loves me more everyday too. I mean I hope so.

And Mom, somehow Mom stays so long at home. She never stay home this long.

Anyway Mom get so much closer to Yu. We had dinner at my house once or twice in a week. We spent Yu's day off on my house. And sometime we spent it outside, with Mom tagged along with us.

And I have to admit this too. Not only Yu who got closer with Mom, but me too. I never knew that Mom turned out to be really easy to talk if it wasn't because of Yu.

Mom had always been fierce to me. When I remember how she punished me back then, I still feel a little angry to her. But when I saw her smiling or laughing together with Yu, well all that angry I had inside is just dissapeared like that.

Well a lot of good things happen. My life is not boring at all after I met Yu.

And the best thing is, I am happy.

"I hope we can stay like this forever." I said to Yu after remembering all the good days I had lately.

We're at the rooftop. It's been a while since we were here. And I enjoying every moment here because soon we will leave this place into memories. And I wanted to make the best memories here.

"You know we can't." Yu said along with a soft giggles.

"Yu.. you killed the vibe. Really.." I pretended to sulk and pouting my mouth.

But Yu knows me too well now. He knew that I'm just pretending so he just laughed softly.

"It would be nice if we could stay like this forever." I said again change it to more senseable.

We were both laying on the ground looking up to the sky. But then Yu suddenly change his position, laying on his side to facing me. That surprised me, I thought he's about to kiss me. But he just kept staying there staring at me.

"Don't you curious about the future?" Then he asked suddenly.

I stared back at him. The sky is really bright today, but Yu's face is even brighter in my eyes.

"Not really.." I said softly but then I changed my position too and copying him to face him. "Do you?" I asked him back.

Yu had a smile on his face then nodded his head.

"Honestly.. I didn't really curious about the future before I met you."

He sounded cheerful earlier but then suddenly he looked a little down.

"I mean.. I never thought about my future before." He said sound sadder.

"Yu.." I called his name softly because he stopped talking for a few seconds and lost om his thought.

Yu smiled right away after he heard my voice, but his eyes still look sad somehow.

"You remember that day when we met here for the first time?"

Yu had stood up and leaning on the side of the building.

"Of course." I replied him then follow him to stood beside him.

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