47. Morning

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Sam's pov.

It's morning. I have awake since half an hour ago, but I stayed on the bed, doing nothing but staring this cute sleepy head.

I might be a real pervert, but I like it so much to see his sleeping face. Yu looks cute when he's asleep.

Then Yu slowly opened his eyes and met my eyes right away.

"Morning." I greeted him softly with a smile.

Yu gave me back a faint smile but then he closed his eyes again and frowned. I remember what Ray said last night that Yu will feel worse in the morning, I guessed he was right.

"Headache?" I asked Yu then started massaging his forehead.

Yu nodded his head slightly.

"You need a drink?" I asked softly.

Yu opened his eyes again and staring at me, well I wanted to get him a water but I locked the door last night after I kicked away the owner of this house, it just actually kinda awkward to get out of this room and meet him.

But if Yu needed it, I will get it.

"How's your fever?" Yu asked me with a hoarse voice. He needs water.

"I'm fine.. I'll get you some water." I said and about to leave the bed but Yu held my hand.

"Sammy.." His voice was barely heard but looked like he wanted to say something.


I laid back beside him and we're back to staring face to face. But Yu just kept quite and staring at me. I know that there is a lot of things he wanted to say, but this is Yu, I knew how hard it is for him to let out all inside his head. It will take some time.

But he needs the water now.

"You've said sorry last night." I told him. I could guess it that it was what he wanted to say right now. "That's what you wanted to say right?" I asked to make it sure.

Yu chuckled softly and nodded his head.

I started caressing his messy hair, it is messy but Yu still looked great even with a messy hair.

"You remember what happened last night?" I asked him softly.

"Not much.." he replied softly.

"What about why did you do that?" I asked again.

Well Yu looked like he wanted to tell me so I need to helped him to talk.

"I remember that.." He said softer than before.

"Is it Jack? He asked you to drink?" I asked him again softly even though I don't feel soft at all inside.

Yu widened his eyes, he might be surprised because I mentioned Jack just now.

But then Yu shook his head slowly, "No.. it wasn't Jack. He's the one who took me there, but it wasn't him who asked me to drink.." Yu explained slowly.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, well then that's it. I was curious about why did Jack took him there, but I don't need the answer now. I'll ask Jack later, it would be easier to ask him than Yu.

"That's all I need to hear." I said smiling widely. "Now I'll get you some water, and food, if Ray has some food outside." I said again then get up and leave the bed.

"Ray?" Yu asked in surprised then he woke up too and looked around.

Has Yu not realized it yet that we're not at his room till now?

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