48. Magic words

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Yu's pov.

"Here you go." Mrs. Jenni gave us the new uniforms with a big smile.

She looked different than the first time I met her, on my first day at school. She didn't smile this wide that time.

"She looked different." I muttered softly complaining Mrs. Jenni double standart behaviour.

"Who?" Sam asked.

"Mrs. Jenni." I replied shortly.

"She's always nice." Sam answered casually.

"She wasn't that nice to me at my first day." I said I don't know why I feel upset about this.

Sam chuckled softly then he stroked my hair. "Are you jealous, Yu? Because she's nice to me and not at you?" He teased me.

I pouted my lips looking at Sam who smiled really wide. Am I jealous?

"Is this what you feel? When I got too close with Jack?" I asked him slowly.

Tian has changed his clothes first and head out to the class earlier. It's the perfect time to talked about the things happened yesterday.

I knew Sam said that I've said sorry last night, but I don't remember anything, and I think I have to say it again, because damn, I was so selfish.

"Um. Kind of." Sam answered shortly with a slight smile. It looked like he doesn't want to talk about this.

"I'm sorry.." I said again, and I will keep saying it for awhile. Until I forgive my self.

"You've said it enough, Yu." Sam said while his hand kept stroking my hair.

"You know what?" Sam cupped both of my cheeks and smiled widely, "What if don't say sorry to each other from now on. Let's forbid that word."

I stared at him in confused.

"So that we don't do anything that we know we're gonna feel sorry anyway. Let's forbid that word, and change it into another word." Sam continued.

"Like a magic word?" I asked him.

"Exactly. Like a magic word." He said cutely proud.

I nodded my head slowly. "And what is the magic word?"

Sam gave out a long hum. So he didn't think about this before.

"I love you." Sam said suddenly. "That's the magic words." Then he smiled widely again.

"Let's change the thank you into that magic words too." I said smiled back at him widely.

Sam nodded his head, "Um. Deal." He said then he hugged me tightly. "I love you, Yu."

He hugged me too tight that it's hard to say anything, but I still said it anyway, "I love you too, Sammy.."

We're at the bathroom, I hoped there is no one here.

After we're done changing our clothes and changing our magic words to each other, we headed to the class. Sam is back to his usual self. He smiled to everyone and even had a small talk with a few of them who asked how is he.

I really hope that our life will back to normal again. I missed our normal life.

But again, I still thinking about the thing that I forgot from last night. What did I forgot?

We're about to reach our class when we saw Tian standing in front of the class and waved his hands to our direction.

We met this morning, he didn't have to that.

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