54. Love slave

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Sam's pov

"Wow, you're really here." I was taken aback when I saw Ray came to the school.

Today is the day that we'll going to the camp. We're gather here at the school and will going there with a bus.

But unexpectedly, or should I say I kinda expected this actually, Ray is here. I have to act surprise.

"Well, just like how you listen well to Yu, I just did the same to Tian." Ray said after a soft sigh.

"Yeah.. sure." I replied softly.

Then both of us just standing side by side, watching the only two people who could handle us perfectly. They're busy putting their bags into the bus trunk.

"Well I feel sorry to grandpa, his two grandsons turn out to be love slaves." I said with a smirk.

Ray laughed softly then patted my shoulder. "Let's go visit him someday."

I nodded my head. "Let's bring our masters. It would be a good surprise." I said grinning widely.

Ray nodded his head too. "Right. Let's bring them."

"Guys, are you busy there? Would you mind to help me with these?!" Tian shouted out loud raising his hand to us.

"That's my call." Ray said then ran over to Tian right away.

I didn't want to help Tian but then Yu who stand beside him looked at me with a wide smile. He said nothing, he just smiling. But well, his smile is my call. So I ran over him.

"So we did go to the same mountain." Jack greeted us.

"Hi Jack." Yu smiled softly when he saw Jack.

I still have a little jealousy whenever Yu smiled like this to Jack, but I tried my hardest to shove it away. I trusted Yu.

"Yeah well turned out that it's the school activity not just by classes, so the choice between beach or mountain was a trap." Tian rolled his eyes feeling betrayed since he found this out yesterday.

"Hey, it wasn't a trap! We're really go there!" One of the student commitee heard Tian and shouted right away.

"Yeah, right." Tian said with a straight face.

I just laughed softly, I don't really care where we going, as long as Yu here. I'll go wherever he goes.

"Should I be surprise that you're here boss?" Jack asked Ray softly.

Ray just let out a dry laugh. They're now close enough that Jack dare to tease Ray with Tian.

One day Jack even said that he felt that he didn't belong at the coffee shop because he doesn't have a boyfriend. And he said that he thought he would never has one. But Jack, my new friend, I've never thought I would to. And here I am, as a love slave of the only man I've ever love.

And my master here, he was excited last night but somehow he looks kinda down right now.

"Yu.. are you okay?" I asked him softly.

The bus has left, we're sitting next to each other among all of student in our class at the same bus. I have to refused around 3 or 4 girls who ask me if they could sit beside me, or ask me if I wanted to sit beside them. Well the answer is of course not. I will sit with Yu and only Yu.

But Yu looked down since the bus left.

Yu just gave me a soft smile and slightly shook his head. But I'm sure something is bothering his mind.

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