4. Crazy things

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Sam Pov.

"Yusuke!" I screamed with all my might.

The iron door is leading to the rooftop, and after I opened that door, I found Yusuke standing on the edge of the building. Hell I freaked out when I saw him right there and the scream is just came out of nowhere.

But my scream startled Yusuke as he flinched and that make him lose his balance. I swear it's like my span life is decreasing right now. But thanks to my speed and my nice reflect as a basketball player, I managed to catch Yusuke's hand before he fell down over there.

Well I did manage to catch his hand, but I didn't think that far, so when I grab his hand and pulled him to my side, Yusuke is indeed not falling down there but he's falling into me instead.

But of course it's way much better right. I mean it's hurt, but at least we're not die.

Yusuke is landing on top of me. My back hurts as hell. But I feel glad that Yusuke is on top of me right now. I guess I like him this much that I am willing to feel the pain instead of him.

But I am so angry to him right now.

"Are you crazy?! What the hell you doing right there?! What if you fall?! What if I couldn't reach you?! Do want to die?!" The emotion is just flowing out by itself.

Yusuke didn't say anything. He's not even move. I guess he's still in shock. Of course he is.

He keep his head beside my head until I hear his sniffle. Shit.

"Are you crying?" I ask him puzzled. Did he cry because I yell at him. Shit what should I do.

"Yusuke.." I called him and try to make him sit and look at his face.

But he tried to hide his face. He has gotten off of me and is now sitting down but he keeps his head down.

Shit he really is crying.

"Yusuke, sorry.. I don't mean to yell at you. I mean.. I.." I don't know what to say.

I held his hand, his hand was shaking so bad. No not only his hand, his whole body is shaking so bad right now.

My mind is blank at this moment. And my instinct told me to calm him first. So I decided to hug him.

He's resisting at first, but his body is skinnier than me so I could just hold him tight and making him unable to move. After a few second, Yusuke is finally calming down and he just stay right here in my embrace.

I still can hear his sniffle. But I don't have the heart to look at his crying face right now.

Damn why did I have to be so angry at him earlier. But he did a stupid thing. Of course I'll get angry.

I could feel that his heart was beating so fast. Or maybe it was my heart. I don't know, I can't really feel whose who. Maybe it is both of our heart is beating so fast right now.

We just stay like this for a few minutes, without saying anything. Yusuke is not shaking anymore, and it looks like he's already stop crying.

I don't say anything either. Honestly I still feeling so angry right now. That's why I chose to not saying anything. Or the words that come out from my mouth is not gonna be good to be hear. I always say bad things when I'm angry.

"No.." Yusuke is finally say something quietly.

I wait for his next sentence. He already said something but he still staying on his position.

"I don't want to die." He said again more quietly almost whispering.

I don't know why, but hearing his voice right now, it pierce through my heart, like my heart is hurting so much. Why is he sound so desperate. Why is he saying that. But if I asked about that right now, it's not the right time, right.

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