17. Amazingly amazing

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Yu's pov.

Sam sure is popular.

It is the day of his competition, later after school. But since this morning, a lot of his friends from other classes too come to him and give him courage words, food, drinks, anything. Some girls are even cheering for him, way before the competition start.

Sam is always give them smile, and a thank you. But for me, I just sitting beside him all those time and I feel tired already. I can't imagine myself being Sam for a day. It must be tiring.

But I guess Sam is tired too. On the second break, he asked me to the rooftop. The only safe place in the school for Sam, because no one knows this place.

We usually went to here after school, but never in break time because Sam said that we have to go through Jack's class to get here, which I just know about it, but today Sam said fuck Jack because he needs to be alone right now.

Well he's not actually alone because he asked me to come with him. But anyway.

And thankfully we get here without meeting Jack on our way.

Sam let out a long sigh after we reach on the rooftop.

"I always feel good when I'm here." He said that while closed his eyes and enjoying the wind hits his face.

I just smile, the wind is pretty strong today, but the sun is not too bright. It is a nice day.

"Yu." Sam called me and patted the floor beside him.

He's already sit on the spot where we always spent our time here. This spot behind the wall so that we're safe from sun burn.

I obeying his simple command and sit beside him. And suddenly, Sam laying his head on my lap. I got surprised and try to move his head but he hold my hand.

"Let me stay like this for a minute. Please.." He said looking up to me with his puppy eyes.

This eyes is always a cheating for me. How can I say no when he looked at me with this kind of eyes.

"I'll let you just this once." I said sternly.

Sam is nodding his head but he already closed his eyes. He must be really tired.

"Why don't you cheer for me too?" Sam asked suddenly.

I looked down at his face but he's still closed his eyes. So I choose to staring at the blue sky above us.

"I'm not good with words." I told him softly.

"It doesn't have to be with words." He said.

I furrowed my eyebrows thinking about what he means. But nothing make sense come into my head.

"What do you mean?" I decide to asked him.

"You don't need to say anything." He said again with smile but still his eyes closed.

I scoffed and asked, "I already take my leave to watch your competition later, isn't that enough?"

Sam get up and stared at me looking all hurt on his face. I laughed softly. His face is really funny right now.

"Why are sound so not sincere to watch me later?" Sam asked.

"Maybe.." I teased him.

"Okay, don't come. You don't need to come to watch me later." Sam is being cranky.

"Really? You really okay with that? Then I won't come." I keep teasing him.

"Yu!" Sam yelled at me.

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