37. The Deal

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Sam's pov.

I sighed softly after I read the message mom sent to me.

'Go home tonight.'

Such a simple words but it feels really hard to do. I really don't want to go home.

"What?" Tian asked peeping at my phone.

I put my phone on the table to let Tian see it better. Then I put my head on the table too while pulling my back hair out of stress.

"Ugh I don't want to go home." I mumbled softly.


I startled as I hear Yu's voice. He stood beside me and staring at me with his usual innocent face.

I stared back at him pouting my lips, I want to sleep at Yu's again.

"Why you don't want to go home?" Yu asked again. He looks worry about me.

Should I say it, because of my dad, will it make him more worried? I don't want to make Yu worry.

"Because I want to sleep with you again." I answered lightly with a smile.

I'm getting better at lying. But well that's not a lie, I sincerely want it too.

Yu chucked softly. And I could hear Tian coughed and Ray gasped.

"Did you just.. flirt with Yu in front of me, Sammy?!" Ray asked me with a disbelief look on his face.

I blinked at him for a few times until I remember how protective he is to Yu. But so what, Yu is my boyfriend now.

So I just shrugged my shoulders.

"They always do that everyday, Ray. But I never get used to it. Damn it, they always do it when I drink or eat something.." Tian grumbled softly wiping his mouth.

Ray turned his head to Tian and helped him to wipe his mouth. He just scolded me because I flirted with Yu but here he is showing his affection with Tian. What a fair situation.

"Well anyway.." I said then cleared my throat and pulled Yu's hand to sit beside me.

Yu just do what I wanted without complain and kept looking at me.

"I don't think I can pick you up tonight, is it okay if you go home by yourself?" I asked him softly.

"Of course it's okay, Sam. Don't worry about me." Yu replied with a smile.

How can I not worry about him. Is this how it feel to love someone, always feel worry about him when he's not with you? Damn it.

"Ray.." I turned my head to him. "Take Yu home."

Ray glared at me, "I always do before you take it over."

I glared back at him but well he's kinda right.

"I can go home by myself guys, I'm not a kid." Yu said softly glaring at both of us.

Ray said nothing more, I just kept looking at Yu still feeling worried about him.

"I told you not to worry about me, Sammy. I always go home by myself before.." He said again.

That's right. But we're boyfriends now, it feels so damn wrong to let him alone.

"Are we shooting some kind of shit drama here? Just go home Sam! It's not like someone will kidnap Yu or something! He'll be fine!" Tian snapped.

Yu laughed softly after hearing Tian's words. "Just go home." He said again to me.

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