19. Worth the pain

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Sam's pov.

"I can't reach your parents." Mr Sakda said still focus with his phone.

"You won't." I said shortly.

We are on the emergency room right now, after the incident on the basketball game earlier, my shoulder hurt really bad and mr Sakda said that it might be dislocated. He said it just a big possibility, I was refuse to go to the hospital at first, but Tian insisted, the other members too. And the final person who insisted me is Yu. 

So here I am.

"We have to take an x-ray first to see how bad the dislocated is." One of the nurse said.

I said nothing, it's still hurt to even move my hand slightly, so it really might be serious.

"Can you sign the paper first?" the nurse talked to mr Sakda.

Mr Sakda said yes immediately but I called him, "Sir, wait."

Mr Sakda stop and look at me, "Tian, my bag." I asked Tian to get me my bag behind him, and let out my wallet to give mr Sakda my credit card. "Pay with this, sir."

"It's okay, I can pay it first." Mr sakda said.

"No, it's.. it's my mom's card. It's okay." I insist. 

Well it was me who got hurt, why would I let mr Sakda to pay the bill.

Mr Sakda finally take my card and take care about the administration and other stuff. The nurse asked me to wait here and rest. 

"Where is your parents?" Tian asked.

"Business trip, somewhere, I don't know I don't remember." I said nonchalantly. They've been gone for 2 days and mom said they'll be back in 3 or 5 days. They do it too often that I don't really put my attention on it.

"You okay?" I asked Yu.

Yu got startled when I talked to him. Well he just keep quiet since our way to the hospital, and still say nothing until now. It's only Yu and Tian who followed me here. 

Yu looked at me worriedly, "You're the one who get hurt." He said softly.

I smirked, "Yeah right, but it looks like you're the one who feel the pain." I said.

Yu turned his head away. He looks really worried about me. Deep down it makes me happy. 

"Did you hit you head too? What's with those damn smile all over your face." Tian whispered sarcastically. 

He's lucky that it feel hurt to even raise my hand now, or I will surely smack that annoying face. 

"I'll take you to the x-ray room." the earlier nurse come back with a wheelchair. 

I was being reluctant at first, I mean I'm not that sick that I need a wheelchair, but the stupid friend of mine aka Tian smacked my shoulder a little hard and I can't even lift my finger to poke his eyes. 

"Wait." I said to the nurse when we're about to leave the ER.

"You'll wait for me, right?" I asked to Yu. 

He looks startled for a second but then smile faintly and nodded his head. I smile widely to him.

"Wait for me. Don't go anywhere. You have to wait for me." I said to him.

"I'll wait for you too!" Tian said loudly. The nurse is already take me further.

"You can go home!"I shouted back but regret it soon because I kind of forget that we're at hospital.

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