61. How could I

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Sam's pov.

"I'm sorry." Tian said softly as I getting down from the bed.

I know that it's just Tian, but kept cuddling with Yu even in front of Tian is not a proper thing to do. I guess.

I heard Tian. Then I thought that he would come closer, but there he is, standing still in front of the door.

That is so not like him.

"Why are you keep standing there? Aren't you coming here?" I asked him confusedly.

Tian shut his mouth tightly. This is so not him.

I thought he would tease me and Yu wildly like he used to.

"Where is Ray?" I asked because I thought maybe something is wrong with Tian because Ray is not here with him.

"He takes your mom to the parking lot." Tian answered pouting his lips.

But he still stand right there. This is start to getting on my nerve.

"Get here Tian. It's annoying to see you stand still like that." I said while glaring at him.

"You didn't tell her to sue me right, Yu? I swear it's an accident. I didn't mean to make you sick like this. I will never do that again. Ever. I swear to God. To my Mom. To Ray. Please don't sue me, I have a bright future ahead with Ray, please don't ruin it."

Tian is back being chattery box once he came closer that I regretted I asked him to get here. Damn it.

But Yu kept giggling while he heard Tian saying all those nonsense words.

"I won't..." Yu spoke softly giving Tian a warm smile.

Tian is lucky that my boyfriend is an angel.

"She is scary.." Tian mumbled softly.

"Mom?" I asked Tian to make sure that he talked about my mom. Yu's mom.

Tian nodded his head slowly. Maybe Mom said something to him before she got in the room. Well his new son is sick because of Tian. Of course she would do that.

I thought I will hear Yu's giggling, but then I realized that Yu looks blank. Seems like he's in deep thought.

"What?" I asked him softly as I pressed the furrowed at his eyebrows.

Yu's eyes looked at me right away and he gave me a soft smile. But somehow he looks sad.

"I just.." Yu started to talk but then he get quiet. He lost his smile and back to his own deep thought.

"You just what?" I asked again softly.

As always, asking what Yu has inside his head needs more patience.

"Nothing." Yu then said quietly.

I sighed softly then calling out his name. "Yu.."

I mean we have talked about this so many times. Like not to hide anything between us, and share what we had inside our head, or share whatever problems that we have, and anything like that.

But damn it. This is Yu. I have to be patient.

"What are thinking about? Hm?" I asked him softly as I kept stroking his hair.

"No.. it just.." Yu tried to talked but then he shut his lips tightly again.

"Should I get out?" Tian asked being way considerate that is so not like him.

"No." Yu answered him fast with a soft giggles. "It's not about you."

"Then about who?" I asked Yu.

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