20. Home

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Sam's pov.


Ugh. My whole body hurts. My head too. I just turned the alarm off without even opening my eyes. It feels so heavy and I want to sleep more.

I turned my body to the other side. But something feels off. Why is there something squishy here. And then I heard a soft grunt.

Wait a second.

I opened my eyes and find Yu is sleeping beside me. Woah what a nice dream. Oh no, wait, it's real. It's not a dream. He is here.

He's fast asleep, but he keep grunting softly, maybe he was feeling disturbed because I unconsciously touched him earlier, and I didn't even remove my hand yet but then Yu turned his body to face me.

I guess he's cold, he keep snuggling on my body then stop after he rest his head on my chest. What the hell Yu. My heart is beating really fast and loud right now, what if he woken up hearing that.

But he just stay still, I can hear he's breathing evenly, and I can smell his hair. Damn he smells good.

And his hands is also hugging me. Did he thought that I'm a bolster. Why is he so cute even on his sleep.

Okay so what should I do now. We should be getting ready and prepare to go to school, but I don't want to wake him up. Damn I don't even want to move right now.

And where should I put my hands. It still hanging in the air after Yu was snuggling into me earlier.

Should I put it on his back? Or his head? Gosh, put yourself together Sam.

Okay head. I choose head. He seemed to like it last time when I was caressing his hair like this while he was sleeping.

I still can't believe that Yu is sleeping next to me right now, um even better, sleeping in my arms.

Last night when he agreed to sleep at my home and even to take care of me for days, big thanks to Tian, it felt damn unbelievable. I can't even describe it with words.

But after we got back from hospital, Yu looked so tired. He wasn't even finished his food. And he looked kinda pale.

So I told him to sleep. But instead of telling him that I actually have many vacant rooms in my house, I asked him to sleep with me. Well I said that I might need his help at night that's why he agreed to it. But of course it was actually because I want it so bad to sleep with him.

But I never expected that Yu will sleeping while hugging me like this. It is too good to be real.

"Young master." The nanny called me from outside the door.

Oh shit. Why would she come now.

"Young master?" She called again starting to knock the door.

Yu flinched a little, then I closed his ear with my hand. I really don't want to wake him up.

"I'm coming in." Nanny said again and I could hear the sound of the door knob.

"No, wait!" I yelled spontaneously. Well she can't see me and Yu like this. I mean, it is a little inappropriate to be seen by anyone. I guessed.

I said I don't want to wake him up, I even closed his ears, but in the end I was the one who woke him up.

I saw Yu was lifting his head and looked at me blankly straight in my eyes for a few second. Seemed like he didn't realize it at first but then I saw that his eyes is getting wider.

Suddenly I had a bad feeling about this. But it was happened real fast that I didn't have time to prepare myself.

Just like last time, Yu really got surprised and pushed me away. And exactly just like last time, I got hurt again, I mean I already injured from the first with, and I kind of forget about the pain when Yu was snuggling to me, but now because of Yu pushed me away, the pain is coming back, real quick.

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