26. Practice makes perfect

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Sam's pov.

Oh no, shit. Yu is not here.

"Yu!" I shouted his name and was about to leave the room to look for him.

But before I got out, Yu was came out from the bathroom, holding his IV with his right hand above his head.

"You're up." He said casually.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought you were gone again."

Yu didn't say anything and walked slowly back to his bed. His face still looked pale, but not as bad as last night.

"Why do you sleep sitting up? Aren't you tired?" Yu asked softly.

I was back sitting on the chair beside his bed. Now that Yu is asking this, I feel my whole body aches. But how can I say that to Yu.

"I'm fine." I told him.

Yu kept looking at me. "You lie." He said that with a straight face.

I got caught.

"What about you?" I asked him back.

Yu smiled really faintly and shook his head slightly. "I'm not fine."

I thought he would lie by saying he was fine. But instead he said that he was not fine. I should have worried about him. It's a common thing. But why am I feeling happy now.

"Why are you smiling?" Yu asked me softly but sound fierce.

Shit, I even smile. I really crazy. I should hold it.

"No.." I said softly then taking a deep breath, trying hard to hold my smile. "I'm not." I said again after successfully hold my smile.

But this time, it was Yu who smiled widely.

What is this, I couldn't smile, but he could. Well I don't mind seeing his smile. But that's not fair.

"And why are you smiling?" I asked him back try to sound fierce like he did before.

Yu shook his head, but he didn't even try to hold his smile.

I kept looking at his face. It was so good to see his smile again.

Then I moved to sit beside him on the bed, took his hand, and locked it with mine. He didn't say anything and just stared at our intertwined hands.

"It's okay. You'll be fine. I'll be here staying by your side.. I won't leave you alone." I said to him softly, and certainly, because I would never leave his side again and I would make sure that he's okay now.

Yu didn't say anything and continued to stare at our hands. Me too, I just keep staring at our hands. It felt like his hands were made for mine, they fit perfectly together.

"You were right."

Yu suddenly said in small voice.

"Hm? About what?" I turned my head to looked at his face.

I could see him smiling then he lifted his face to looked at me too.

"The beach.." He said then his smile is getting wider, "It's not hot at night. It was freaking cold."

What is this. Is Yu okay? Why is he suddenly become stupid.

I started laughing at his words and he laughed too. We just kept laughing together for quite a while, but our hands were still intertwined.

God, I really glad that I found him. I really glad that I met Yu in my life.

"You don't go to school?" Yu asked me while I'm preparing for his food.

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