42. Sickness

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Sam's pov

"Where is your car?" Tian asked me right away when he arrived at Yu's flat this morning.

"What about yours?" I asked him as he's sitting at the passenger seat beside Ray.

So this is why Tian never brought his car to school anymore, Ray pick him up every morning.

Tian said nothing but gave me an annoying smile.

"Why are you here so early? Did you sleep here again?" Ray started to investigate me.

"Um." I answered shortly.

I didn't bring my car last night. I just feel that I don't want to bring anything that my parents bought for me. But still I need the phone and my wallet. And the money. Well I don't know, my mind is really complicated.

Then Yu suggested to ask Tian to pick us up to school. I don't really like the idea but he said that I looked like a zombie right now and there is no way that he'll take me to school with a bus.

But I want to ride a bus with Yu.

"You sure you're okay?" Yu asked for a hundred times just for this morning.

Can't blame him, I had a slight fever since I woke up.

"I'm fine." I replied softly and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Why? You sick?" Tian asked.

"Um, I'm sick of your face." I said half joking half not.

"Let's get Sam down on that crossroads, Ray. I hate him." Tian said to Ray.

Ray just laughed him off. This stupid friend seems to have forgotten that Ray is my cousin after all. Oh but sometimes I forgot about it too.

I kept saying that I'm fine to Yu since morning but hell right now it only in few hours, I feel like shit.

I had the same headache like few days before because of the stress, but this is worse. My body is burning too. It feels like my head is going to explode in anytime. I also kept coughing since earlier.

So this is how it feels to be sick. I never be this sick before.

"You need to go home Sam." Yu said to me softly after the third lesson ended.

"I don't want to be home Yu." I replied to him softer. Damn I don't even have energy to talk.

"This is the first time I've ever seen you sick like this Sam." Tian suddenly said. I believed that meant he's worried about me. Let's just say that he's worried about me.

"I'll be fine after some sleep." I said weakly soft. And I tried to smile so that Yu and Tian don't worry about me more. "I'll just get some sleep. Then I'll be fine." I said again.

Both of them didn't say anything and just staring at me. They don't even move. Looks like they're not believing my words.

"At least sleep at the infirmary? You can lay down there." Tian said.

Well that's a good idea.

"Should I?" I asked back with a smile.

"I'll take you there." Yu said softly pulling my hand.

I gave him the biggest smile I could effort for now.

"Can you walk?" He asked.

"Can you carry me up?" I asked back teasing him.

"I can try." Yu said softly but he doesn't sound sure with his own answer.

"I'm kidding Yu.. I can walk just fine." I said while giggling softly then put my hand over his shoulder. "Just help me like this."

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