72. Them

194 11 3

Yu's pov.

"No.. I can't swim." I told them so many times.

"I'll teach you!" Tian said.

"Um, me too!" Richard said.

"It's okay, Yu. We're here. Get here." Then Evan said.

What's wrong with everyone, why are they keep insisting for me to swim.

I can't swim, and I don't want to bother changing clothes after swim. That's actually the real reason that I refused them.

"Wait guys, you should have wait for me!" Belle shouted at everyone and about to take off her clothes.

This girl is really something.

Luckily Jack held her before she took off everything. Then they're start bickering to each other.

I just laughed watching them arguing. Also the faces of Tian, Evan and Richard who kept watching at them too with wide eyes. It's really funny to see how everyone's react to this new couple.

But where is Sam? Why isn't he coming here?

Oh, there he is.. What is he doing there?

"Sammy!" I called his name out loud. But I guess my voice was not loud enough against these 5 people.

I sighed softly and came over to Sam who look busy with his own thought. What is he so deep in thought about?

"Sammy!" I called him again right in front of his face.

He didn't even notice it when I was coming to him and startled when I called his name for the second time.

"What's wrong?" Then I asked him.

Sam is always smiling at me, but this time, he just looks different. He kept staring at me blankly for second, but then he start to smile, even though it looks like he force the smile.

Sam shook his head slowly. "I'm a little dizzy." He said softly.

"Oh, why? Are you sick?" I got a little panic and checking on his forehead right away, comparing his heat with mine, thankfully he doesn't have fever.

"No.. I'm not sick, Yu.." Sam chuckled softly.

But now that he said it, he looks kinda pale.

"Let's get some sleep first, hm?" I asked him.

The usual Sam would refuse me and keep his act to be fine. But this time, Sam smiled softly and nodded his head. Something is wrong with him.

Is this because what happened yesterday?

I don't want to think about it. Ray and everyone here even try their best to make me and Sam forgetting about that, I should not think about it. But I guess it's not that easy for Sam.

"Let's go to the room." I told him softly, holding his hand tightly to the room upstairs.

"I'm sorry." He muttered softly.

"Um? For what?" I asked him. Because I know how much Sam likes to say sorry about everything.

"You were having fun with them.."

I chuckled softly, I help Sam to lay down and put the blanket on him.

Then I shook my head slowly as I keep patting his chest, he likes to do this to me when I'm sleepy, and it always works to send me to sleep immediately.

"Thank you for help me escape from them, Sammy."

Sam smiled slightly and closed his eyes. Then a second later he's already fall asleep. But I can't sleep. I laid for a while, making sure that Sam is in deep sleep. I touched his face a few times but he's not responding. He is in deep sleep.

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