87. People change

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Sam's pov.

"God, Sam! You scared me!"

Mom screams out loud when he saw me in the living room. Why would she scared? I was here for a while.

"Why don't you turn on the light?!" Then she asked in loud voice again.

Okay, maybe she got scared because of the dark.

"You're coming really late." I said. It's 11 pm now. What kind of office that open till this late at night.

"Yeah well.. the are some problems at the office, that's why.. Why haven't you slept yet? Where is Yu?" Mom said and asked.

Which one should I respond first. Work? I don't really understand about it anyway. So, "I need to talk to you." I told her my reason to stay awake and wait for her.

Mom raised her eyebrows, "So you wait for me."

I sighed softly. A little glad because she finally recognized it.

But then Mom laughed softly, taking off her suit and walked to the kitchen. "Talk then, I'll listen." She said lightly.

"Are you really listening?" I asked because Mom looked busy, making something in the kitchen.

Then I heard the sound of the stove. Is she making food? This late?

"Are you hungry?" Then I asked as I walked closer to her.

"Eung. You want some?" She asked as she showed me a bag of instant noodles.

I blinked. This is the first time ever I've seen Mom just like an ordinary people. I mean, I never thought that Mom will cook a noodle by herself. I never even seen Mom cooking before. We always have maids at home. The late home.

"Why don't you eat at the office? It's a little too late for dinner." I told her.

Mom smirked softly. "Did you just worry about me, Sam? That's something new."

I sighed again. Well, that is indeed something new. But Mom even left her comfortable life with Dad for me and Yu, and she changed a lot, a lot better.

"What you want to talk about?" Then Mom asked. "Is Yu okay?"

I laughed softly. Mom cares about Yu so much, a little too much actually. Not that it's a bad thing.

"He's okay. It's not about Yu." I told her quietly.

"Hm. So what is it about?" She asked again.

"College." I told her really quietly. God, this is so nervewrecking.

"Um, what about it? Have you decide where to go?" Mom then asked.

I sighed again. How could she ask a question exactly like what Yu asked.

"Yeah. No." I said still in the smallest voice.

"Yes or no, Sam. Which one is your answer?"


Mom said nothing more and just kept staring at me. How to say this again..

"How is you and Dad?" I asked.

Mom looked startled with my question, but then asked back, "What do you mean?"

"I mean.. I don't know.. Are you guys divorce?" I asked again.

But is it a nice thing to ask as a son? I don't know.

"No." Mom replied firmly then sighed, "We live separately but no, we're not divorce. Yet. Why?"

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