50. Regret

357 28 10

Yu's pov.

Have you ever regret your decision? Like, why the hell did I do that? Or why the hell did I say that? And why the hell did I agree with that?

That's all I thought about since earlier.

Jack is now work here. Ray asked him to. I don't think Jack was agree with this, but he was too scared to refused Ray. Even though he insisted that he wasn't.

I should have agreed with Sam at the vote earlier. But I thought that it was stupid to vote whether Jack can work here or not when the boss here is clearly Ray.

And now I regretted it. So much.

"Tian, can you help with me with this?" Ray asked Tian to helped him.

"Sorry Ray, I'm busy, ask your new kid." Tian shouted from where he sit. He's busy with his phone.

Ray sighed softly and finally took it by himself. He must be regretted about his decision too.

Tian has ignored him for a while after the vote.

I looked at Sam whose busy with his phone too beside Tian. Just like how Tian is sulking with Ray, Sam was the same, he's sulking with me. Cutely.

I let him sulk for a few hours. I need to work first. But he's a tough guy, he didn't even look at me for these past few hours.

Even Tian couldn't hold it anymore and finally go help Ray. Leaving Sam to sit alone in the corner table. With a menacing aura all over his face that make no one dare to sit around him.

I saw some girls looks hesistant where to sit when all the other tables are full and only the table beside Sam available. They chose to leave.

That's it, I need to calm him down.

"You looks scary.." I told him softly.

Sam was playing a game on his phone but I guessed he lost, he cursed softly and put down the phone, then lifted his gaze to finally looked at me.

I gave him a soft smile. "Are you angry to me?"

"No, why would I." He replied softly.

"You're upset." I took another guess.

Sam sighed softly. "No."

"You did." I haven't give up. It's a little fun to tease him when he's upset.

"Don't you need to work?" Sam changed the subject.

I shook my head slightly, "Let the new kid do the job."

Sam giggled softly. It worked. His smile is back.

Then I took a sit beside him and rest my head on his shoulder.

"What are you doing Yu?" Sam asked me softly.

"Let me stay like this for a while. I'm tired." I said softly. 

Sam said nothing. He really let me stay like this and not ask anything more.

"I love you, Sam." Then I said the magic word. I feel sorry for many things.

Sam stroked my head gently, "I know.. I love you too." He said really softly.

"What if Jack see us?" Then he whispered.

"Just let him." I told him lightly.

"What if he knows about us?" Sam asked again.

"He knows." I replied shortly.

Sam straightened his sit and it surprised me because I was leaning all of my weight on his shoulder and he just did it without a warning that makes me almost fall. Thank God Sam has fast reflexes to catch my head.

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