79. Things to do

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Yu's pov.

I have to go. Ray was right, I'm in too much of a hurry. I didn't even know where Aaron is.

So first, I have to find where he is.

He said that he left his house. Was he telling me the truth? But Aaron never lied to me. But still, I have to make sure.

Evan or Richard would probably know where he is. Richard would cause so much ruckuss. It's better to ask Evan.

'Where is Aaron?' I texted Evan straight to the point.

And he texted me back right away.


'I need to meet him.'

'Why?' He asked again.

'Please.' I can't tell him my reason, Evan would stop me for sure.

It took a while before Evan texted me back.

'I don't know where he is, Yu. And even if I know, I won't tell you.'

Well he tried to stop me anyway. This is annoying.

'Why?' I asked him.

'Sam or Ray would kill me.'

I sighed softly. Why is everyone so scared of Sam and Ray.

'I will kill you first before them.' I sent it to Evan. I could be scary too.

A second later, Evan sent me a location.

'I've heard that he works at this place. Where are you? I'll pick you up.'

I ignored Evan's text and looked at the location. I knew this place. This is the place that Jack brought me to work that time. So he works here too. That's funny, I didn't see him there that time.

And now, I have to think a way to get out of here.

I put my ears on the door, there is no sound from outside. But I doubt that Ray leave alredy. He would stay here all night just to make sure that I won't go. Ray is really a persistent guy.

But still, let's just wait for a few minutes. He'll leave. Soon.

Or so I wished. Shit. It's been more than an hour. And he's not leaving.

I still didn't hear anything. But I'm a hundred percent sure that Ray is still out there.

What if I just talk to him again? Nicely? Will he listen to me?

I guess not. Maybe no. But at least I have to try. Again.

I took a deep breathe before I open the door. Let's talk. But if it doesn't work, then.. plan B, let's get ready to run.

"I've thought about it." I said slowly after I opened the door.

Tian and Ray turned their eyes on me right away. Ray still looks angry, um scary. I don't think that this is going to work.

"I have to meet him." I still told them.

"Yusuke!" Ray shouted right away.

Right, it's not gonna work.


But, damn it. Sam is awake now. Thank to Ray's loud voice.

That means I have to go now. If Sam knows about my plan, he won't let me go. And if it's Sam who talk to me, I don't think I would win the fight.

"I'm sorry, Sammy.." I told him softly.

"Why?" Sam looked confuse.

Well, I'll explain to him later. I have to go.

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