92. We can't

164 11 3

Yu's pov.

"Anxiety disorder?" I asked after Sam told me what the doctor said.

I was asleep, I don't even know that the doctor has came and checked on me.

Sam nodded while his hand never leave my head at all.

"He said that it could be happen when you worry too much." Sam explained slowly.

"What are you so worry about, Yu?" Then he asked quietly.

What am I worry about? I think about it more. What I am worry about..

But then Sam suddenly cupped my face and turned it to look at him. I blinked my eyes in confuse. Why did he do this all of sudden?

"Don't think about it." Then he said.

He was the one who make me thinking at the first place.

"Whatever it is, you just have to know that you are not alone. I am here with you. And not just me. You have Mom, Ray, Tian, Jack, and everyone else. You got that?" Sam said not so quietly. His veins even popped out when he talked. But he looks cute.

"Why are you laughing?" Then he asked squinting his eyes on me.

"Just.." I laughed a bit more then told him, "You look cute."

"I was being serious." Sam said then turning his face into serious mode.

I copied his face. "I was being serious too."

It's just so fun to tease him.

We stared into each other eyes for a second until he gave up and giggled softly. See, he's being cute again. I want to kiss him.

I was about to do it, but then the door opened, and Ray was there. Staring at me blankly.

Um, I was leaning my body towards Sam, maybe he was surprise. Damn it, this is embarassing.

"Why are you here?" I asked spontaneously.

Sam sat with his back to the door, but then he turned his head and looked to who I was talking too. But he doesn't look surprise to see Ray here.

"You came." Then Sam said casually. Like he's been waiting for Ray.

I then turned my head and looking at Sam. Sam smiled softly then said, "I called him."

I almost asked why, but well, Ray is my legal guardian, I almost forget about it.

"How's your fever?" Ray asked, coming closer to me then touch my cheeks.

I thought that he will get angry at first, but it turned out that he's talking really softly. Is it really Ray?

"Hm?" Ray then asked me again softly. Really softly.

"I'm fine." I told him quietly.

Then I looked at Sam, he just stay quiet while kept staring at me and Ray.

"I brought ice cream. You want to eat it here or downstairs?" Ray asked.

"Downstairs." I answered fast.

Hearing the word ice cream made me crave for it suddenly.

Ray chuckled softly then ruffled my hair, "Get down then, before Aunt Lin finish it by herself."

I chuckled too. Well it's actually okay for me if Mom finish it all. But Sam helped me to get down from the bed and walked down stairs.

I'm fine. I kept telling everyone that I am fine, but if my boyfriend here insist on helping to walk, why would I refuse it, right.

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