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Sam's pov.

We were waiting for Jack in the front gate. School has been over about 15 minutes ago, but there is no sign of Jack.

There is no schedule for practice today, he should be here by now. He took it too long.

We should have just leave him. But Yu said he made a promise already, so we'll wait for him.

Yu's rule.

"I'll go first, Ray said there are a lot of customers so that he can't even pick us up." Tian said after he ended his call with Ray.

Yu looked at him blankly. I guess he's wondering who works there actually, because Tian is definitely way more diligent than him.

"See ya." Tian said patted my shoulder and get into a taxi.

That's suppose to be our taxi.

"Where is he?" I asked softly looking at everyone's face that walked out the gate.

I wait for a few seconds but there is no respond from Yu which is weird. I mean Yu doesn't respond everything like Tian, he doesn't like to talk, but at least he always responded to me. But today he just out of it.

"Yu." I called him softly.

He turned his head to looked at me. Okay, so he's still here.

"Is there something bothering you?" I asked him softly stroking his back.

Yu bite his lips and just kept staring at me, my guess is right.

"No." He said then gave me a smile. It's a fake smile. Something is bothering him.

"Really?" I asked him again. I don't like that he lied to me.

Yu keep his eyes on me, he almost say it, but then he hold it.

"I'm sorry, Sam.." He said softly.

"We've talked about this Yu. Not to do something that we know we'll say sorry for, remember that? We talked about it a few hours ago." I reminded him.

"I know.. it just.." Yu stopped again.

Damn this guy. Why do I love him again? Oh because he's Yu, he's cute. Hell. He's pouting his lips now, how could I resist this cute human being.

I sighed softly and asked, "Is it still about last night?"

Yu just sighed. That means yes.

"Is it about Jack?" If he said yes I swear I'll kick his ass right here right now. Jack's ass. I won't do that to Yu.

"No." Yu replied fast. Thankfully.

"So?" I asked him again. I want an answer. Now.

Yu sighed softly and he kept biting his lips. It makes me wanted to bite it too. Call me a pervert.

"Later." He said after another long sigh. "I'm sorry Sam, I'll tell you later."

I gave him a sigh too. This is Yu after all.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really.." He said with a slight nod.

"Promise me." I said while giving him my pinky finger. I need a guarantee.

"Promise." He said giggling softly and reached my finger, then we locked it together.

"Do you guys need more time? I can wait over there." Jack stopped behind me with his motorbike and annoying smirk over his face.

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