60. Used to it

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Yu's pov.

Where is this?

It's really dark. I can't see anything.

Why am I here? Where is everyone.



"Sam? Where are you? Sammy?!"

"I'm right here. Yu.."

"Here where? I can't see you.."

What is this? It's suddenly so bright. I can't see..


"Sam. Sammy."

What is he doing up there. He's standing in the edge of the building.

No, Sam. Get down. It's dangerous.

My voice. I can't speak..

Get down Sammy. No. Sammy!


"Oh. Yusuke? Yusuke? Oh my God! Ray, call the doctor! Oh God! Thank you! Thank you Yusuke!"

My ears is ringing because Tian kept screaming beside me.

What is this? Why is he crying?

"I.. I thought you're gonna die.. then I'll be the killer and huwaa.." Tian talked while crying and then he cried even harder.

And I don't understand any words he said. I'm gonna die? And he's the killer? What is that mean?

Wait. Where am I?

"How are you feeling? Do you feel any discomfort? Like headache or stomachache?" The doctor came and asked me the questions that I don't understand.

What is this? Am I being dumb? Why did I can't understand everything.

"Yu.. is your head hurt?" Now it's Ray who asked me.

Did my head hurt? I nodded slightly. It hurt because of Tian's loud voice.

But then Tian cried again after he looked at me.

What happened here?

I wanted to ask everyone but I can't say a word.

The doctor checked on me once again. He put the cold stethoscope on my chest, put the light on my eyes, he even checked inside my mouth. Then he talked quietly with Ray and Tian.

I can't hear them clearly. But I saw that Tian is once again crying after the doctor done talking to him.

What happened?

"Yu. Do you need something?" Ray came back beside me and asked.

I'n thirsty. I glanced at the side table. Ray got my signal and he helped me to drink.

"What happened?" I finally able to speak with hoarse voice. How long did I sleep.

"You're fainted." Ray told me softly.

"It's because of me." Tian said quietly with his head down.

I tried to remember what happened before I fainted as Ray said. But I can't remember anything.

But then suddenly I remember about the dream I had earlier. Sam.

Oh God, Sammy! How could I forget about him.

"Whoa, where are you going?" Ray hold me before I get down from the bed.

"Sam.." I barely said his name clearly.

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