21. Bad Liar

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Yu's pov.

They lied. Tian and Sam. No, especially Tian. He said that Sam would be alone at home because his parents are away for business trip. But he lied.

There are at least 10 people here. More I believe if I also count the people who guard outside the house.

The nanny who prepared our breakfast, there is another one on the kitchen, when we were coming down from Sam's room I saw 2 people cleaning the stair, another 2 people cleaning the cabinets, another one in the garden outside and another one on the pool.

Sam has pool inside his house. I didn't notice it at all last night. Maybe because it was too dark last night. And I was too tired.

"You want to swim?" Sam asked me suddenly.

We just finished our breakfast and we're waiting for Tian to pick us up. The pool is in the backyard, we can see it from the table we eat the breakfast earlier. He must be thought that I want to swim because I kept looking at the pool.

"I can't swim." I said honestly. 

I did looking at the pool, but I was busy looking at the man whose cleaning it right now. Thinking is it hard to clean the pool. I mean I never do that before.

"Really?" Sam asked with a smirk, "Then I'll teach you someday."

I look at him puzzled, he's talking about swimming right. Of course Yu, he can't read your thought about cleaning. Stupid. 

I shake my head slightly, "No thanks."

"Why? Swimming is fun." He looks excited.

"No it's not."

He got silent for a second then said, "Okay, it might be not for fun but still, you should at least know how to swim, what if you're get drown somewhere?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and asked him back, "How would I get drown if I don't even swim?"

Sam got silent once again. Well it's fun to tease him.

"Well, that's right. But what if, you fall into the pool, or beach, or.."

I keep shaking my head, "That won't happen, I hate water."

"So you hate beach?" He asked again.

"Beach is too hot." I told him.

"It's not hot at night." He said.

I rolled my eyes. Talking with Sam has no end. We always answered each other sentence so well and sometimes it become ridiculous.

"Young master, your friend came." The nanny earlier told Sam.

"Okay, thanks aunty." Sam shouted back and grabbed my hand. "Let's go."

I followed Sam outside and get in the car. I was surprised when Sam opened the back door and told me to get in but then he get in the back too. I mean Tian is behind the wheel but both of us sit on the back.

Tian was surprised too and turned his head to the back glaring at Sam.

"Do you think I'm your fucking driver?!" Tian yelled loudly.

I wonder what he ate this morning that he already has this much energy.

"Just drive." Sam said with a smirk. He looks annoyingly cute.

Tian still glaring at him but then changed his gaze, like mocking eyes.

"So how was your night?" He asked.

Sam cleared his throat then smacked Tian's head pretty hard. But after that Sam kept ooking at elsewhere but me. Why would he do that.

Then suddenly I remember about this morning. The way I woke up while hugging Sam. Gosh I almost forget about it. Now that I remember what happened, it's really embarrassing. Thankfully Sam didn't asked me anything or I swear I won't be able to look him in the eyes for years.

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