68. Judgement

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Sam's pov.

"Have you eaten?" Dad asked me right away after we got inside house.

"Yes." I replied him quietly.

But Dad kept looking at me. Or behind me to be exact, where Yu is standing.

Yu was looking at me at first, then he looked at Dad, and finally nodded his head slowly. He looked nervous. Well me too. Dad is scary.

"Where is Mom?" I asked because I didn't see her around. This is the first time ever that I miss my Mom.

"On her way. Get change, let's wait for your Mom and talk." Then Dad said.

Right. Talk. Shit.

"Come on, Yu." I put my hand on Yu's back and we're walking to the room.

We just kept going, it's too scary to look back, but I could sense Dad's gaze on my back. Why is this so nervewrecking.

"What should we do?" Yu asked after I closed the door behind me.

"Right, what should we do?" I asked him back.

Yu sighed then he muttered softly. "Your Dad is a hundred times scarier than your Mom."

I laughed softly as I heard him. Yu is sitting on the edge of the bed, he looks exhausted just before the war even begin.

"It's gonna be fine. He is scary, but I'm here with you. So it's gonna be fine." I told him reasurring, Yu, and myself.

Yu looked up to me and smiled softly. It makes me want to hug him, so I do it, hugging him tightly.

I wish the time will stop right now. I don't want to let him go. And I definitely don't want to get down and meet Dad.

"Are you scared?" Yu suddenly asked.

"No, I'm not." I told him.

Yu then giggled softly, "But your heart beating so fast." He said putting his ear on my chest.

I laughed dryly. Well I never good at lying to Yu anyway.

"Okay, a little. Just a little." I told him half honestly.

Yu giggled again. Maybe he doesn't believe in me. Well I don't believe at my own words too, so I won't blame him.

Then I pulled Yu back and looked at his face.

"I'm scared if he says something that could hurt you." I told him really honestly this time.

But Yu just smiled softly, then he caressed my cheek. "I won't. Whatever he says to me, he is your Dad. So I won't get hurt by him." He said quietly. "At least I will try to not get hurt.."

"Don't say that.." I whined softly as if I could feel the heartache even though Yu is not hurting, yet.

This is bad, I never feel this scared before. Should we run away? Jump out from that window?

"No we can't jump out from the window, Sam. It's too high." Yu suddenly said, reading my mind.

I laughed softly. How could he read my mind so clearly. And how could I love this guy so much.

I sighed softly then get down on my knees and told him quietly, "Whatever my Dad says to you, whatever he's gonna do to you, I will always be by your side. You know it right?"

Yu smiled softly then he nodded his head. I hugged him once again just because I don't want to let him go.

"But we will graduate soon." Yu mumbled softly on my shoulder.

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