62. Don't

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Sam's pov.

"I'm fine." Yu said softly as I wrapped his neck with a shawl.

"I know." I told him because he has told me this like hundred times.

"And I don't feel cold, Sammy." Yu said again.

"It's freezing out there Yu. Trust me." I said with a smile seeing the good result of the shawl I made for him.

"We need to keep you warm. Let's go." I said again smiled wider to Yu.

Yu has a soft smile but then he nodded and he took my hand and we left the room. Finally. We're coming home.

After Mom heard the possibility that Yu had PTSD, Mom asked the doctor to let Yu come home the very next day. She thought that hospital is not a good place for someone who has stress too much.

I am so thankful to her for that.

But Yu still has a slight fever until now. And that's why Mom said another great thing. She asked Yu to stay at our house in the meantime. Until he's fully recover.

I almost kiss my Mom because of that.

Well so now I am way in the good mood to take Yu home, to my home. This is amazing.

The doctor's word was so simple for Yu. Keep him warm, and keep him happy. Don't make him stress too much. I can do it all. I will do it all. For Yu.

"It's cold." Yu said shivering his body when the wind blows. The heavy rain has no sign to stop at all.

"I told you." I said then I pulled him closer.

We're at the front loby waiting for the car. It should be here in a minute but it took longer.

My Yu is freezing, what make them so long.

A car stopped in front of us and the driver opened the window with a loud honk.

"Get in!" She shouted from the driver seat.


"I thought that the driver who would pick us up." I said after we get inside the car and tightening the seatbelt.

"Yeah. But I want to see Yu. Your face is still pale, you still have fever?" Mom turned his head 180 degree to the back to see Yu's face.

"Mom, you're driving." I said remind her.

Yu giggled softly in the backseat. Mom has her head back at its place but she glared at me with side eyes.

"And yes Yu still has a fever." I told her softly.

Mom took a glance at Yu from the rearview.

"I'm fine." Yu said softly.

"Let me check." Mom said then she reach out her hand to the back.

"Gosh Mom you're driving." I reminded her for the second time.

But Yu knows what he should do. He leaned forward to let Mom touch his face, and neck. Then Mom furrowed her eyebrows.

"Should we get back to the hospital? You really still have the fever."

And I still have the bandage on my head by the way. But I guess she didn't care about it.

"No. I don't want to stay at the hospital. It's boring." Yu answered her softly.

"Okay.. let's go home then." Mom said with a soft smile.

This side of Mom is really new to me. But it's unexpectedly feel good to see her smile.

Mom took a side glance on me a few times. And I kept looking at her too.

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