30. Good days

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Sam's pov. 

"I'm tired." Yu said after awhile.

"Of course you are, you cried a river." I said teasing him.

Yu chuckled softly. He couldn't even open his eyes properly now, they were all swollen.

I get off the bed then helped him to lay down, Yu had closed his eyes. I wiped the remaining tears from his face.

He kept quiet and didn't move anymore. It only take a few seconds for him to sleep. He must be really tired

"Yu's sleep?" Ray asked quietly from the door.

I startled a little when I heard his voice. I didn't even hear the door opened.

"Have you calmed down?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

Ray said nothing. He come over and checked on Yu closer. I let him to touch Yu's face. Well Ray looked worried about him since last night.

"Where are they?" I whispered to Tian who stand behind Ray.

Tian looked back, the door is still open. "Outside." He answered shortly.

I looked at the door too, but those two idiots are out of range.

"What did Yu tell you?" Ray asked without removing his eyes from Yu.

"Not much." I said then cleared my throat.

Actually he said so much, he said he loves me. Gosh. I had to hold my smile.

"He cried more than he talked." I said gently stroke his hair.

Good job Sam. Hold it. Don't show your happiness. Not now, not here.

"I'm sorry.." Tian suddenly said.

"Hm?" I asked him. He keep his head down since earlier.

It's weird to see Tian behave like this. He always loud and everything.

"I.. I kept bringing bad people to Yu." He said again in small voice.

"We're not bad people!" I heard a voice from outside. I guess that's Evan.

But only his voice can be heard, he wasn't showing his face yet. 

"Did something happened after you get out?" I asked whispering to Tian again. 

Tian nodded his head slightly. 

I sighed and glanced at Ray. He still has this scary face. 

"Did Yu really forgive them?" Ray asked again quietly. 

"I guess so. They were laughing together before." I replied lightly. 

"You saw them laughing together?" Ray asked again. 

I rolled my eyes. Why did he ask me if he didn't believe in my answer. "Um. I saw it myself with my two eyes." Still I answered him. "Tian saw it too."

I glanced at Tian, but Tian remained silence. What kind of atmosphere is this. Why is everyone look so tense. It must be because of this rude cruel heartless terminator. Aka Ray. 

"You're going to stay here again?" Ray asked finally with softer tone. 

I just nodded my head few times. 

"You didn't even change your clothes since yesterday. Have you at least showered?" He asked again. 

Now that he said that, I smelled my own body. Well I was running all day yesterday, and I am still in my yesterday's uniform. It makes me realize, I just said I love him at my worst appearance. 

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