80. The only way

141 12 1

*Trigger warning.

Yu's pov.

"Have you eaten?" Aaron asked me right after he closed the door.

I still catch my breath. But Aaron kept staring at me, like he's waiting for my answer. So I shook my head slowly.

Aaron smiled again. "Let's eat. I'll cook noodles for you." Then he said and left to the kitchen.

What is this? Why is acting like this. Like.. normal.

"Sit." Then Aaron said from the kitchen.

But I don't want to..

"We need to talk." I told him.

I have no intention to wasting my time here. With him. Just the two of us.

"Let's eat first, then we talk." He said calmly.

He's too calm. Which is so weird.

"Please, Yu.. just eat first. You said you haven't eaten yet." Aaron said softly.

Way too soft. Which is even weirder that Aaron speak this soft.

Then he even give me a soft smile. Who is this person.

I sighed softly. Let's just end this quickly.

I could hear Aaron's soft chuckles while I sit on the couch. He must be like it that I listened to him. Not that I wanted to, but it is needed for me to talk to him later.

It took a few minutes until he finished his cook. Aaron even put a garnish on my bowl. He made it look beautiful that it is such a shame to eat it. Or maybe I just don't want to eat it.

"Let's eat." Aaron then said.

He even prepared the chopstick for me. And get me a glass of water. A hot water.

"It's spicy, you like it, don't you?" Aaron said with big smile.

I just stared at the chopstick. I have no appetite to eat right now.

"No." I replied quietly.

Aaron stopped his hands, and look at me.

"I don't like to eat spicy. My stomach hurts everytime I eat it." I told him softly.

Aaron blinked his eyes. "But you eat it everytime you were with me."

"That's because you like it." I told him again. I guess this is the first time that I tell him about this.

Then I took the chopstick and poked the egg, let the yellow yolk flow on the noodles.

"I hate half boiled eggs." Then I told him another thing.

Aaron just kept staring at me. I don't stare at him, but I know that he kept staring at me.

I started to eat slowly. The noodles are overcook.

"I hate overcook noodles." I told him again.

Then I put down the chopstick, and drink the water.

"I hate to drink hot water." I told him again.

Then I looked at him.

"The things that you thought that I like it. To be honest I hate it all." Then I told him again.

Aaron said nothing and just kept staring at me. He doesn't even show any expression. He just kept staring.

"I never said that I liked it. You just assumed it yourself. Because you like it. So you want to think that I like it too."

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