70. Wish

209 12 1

Ray's pov.

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked Tian who strangely, very strangely quiet since earlier.

Tian sighed before he answered, "I never see Sam cry before." Then another sigh. "Their eyes were all swollen. I don't even have the heart to ask what happened."

I chuckled softly. Tian is surprisingly mature enough to think that way.

"Do you know why? Did he tell you?" Then Tian asked.

"No. Not yet." I told him softly. "Whatever it is, I thought it's family thing."

Tian sighed softly. He looks worried about them.

"Don't worry, whatever their problem is, we're here with them, right?" I asked him softly.

Tian nodded his head slowly. But then he sighed again. I chuckled softly, I know how hard it is to feel okay.

The food is almost done, I made them a simple spaghetti, but then I kept looking at the door. There is no sound from the room. Are they sleeping?

"Should I call them?" Tian asked. He must be noticed that I kept looking at their room.

"No. It's okay, I'll call them. Can you please finish this?" I said then giving the rest to Tian.

Tian said nothing and just came over. He didn't really like to cook, but I guess tonight is the exception. I smiled and kissed his cheek softly. He looks cute when he doesn't talk much like this.

Now, I want to see them.

I want to opened the door right away but then I stopped, and decided to knock it first. This is ridiculous, this is my house, who would knock on the door inside his own house? Well me.

"Sammy?" I even called his name first quietly before I opened the door.

It's not locked. It means that I'm okay to open it, right? Of course Ray. It's your house.

But there is no answer from Sam, so I opened the door wider, and putting my head inside first. I found Yu is sleeping on the bed, while Sam is sitting beside him, but he put his head on the bed, I guessed he's sleeping too. But why is he not lying on the bed too. He'll hurt his back on this position.

"Sam." I called his name, tried to wake him up.

And Sam opened his eyes right away, and stared at me.

"Let's eat." I told him softly.

Sam blinked slowly then he straightened his back and stared at Yu. Yu is sleeping soundly. Then he sighed and stared at me.

"Let him sleep." Sam said quietly.

But he hasn't eaten. But he looks exhausted. I sighed softly and finally nodded my head. I should let him sleep.

"What about you? You want to sleep too?" I asked Sam, being the most considerate as I've ever been before, if it's not tonight, if I didn't see how swollen his eyes are, I might be scold him for all night if he choose to skip eat the food that I've been cooked for him.

"No. I'll eat. I'm starving." But to my surprise he chose to eat.

"Good." I said then patted him to get out from the room.

But then, Sam is already sitting on the table, with the spaghetti in front of him, it's been there for minutes, and Sam didn't even touch it. He just kept staring at it, blankly.

There is something wrong with this kid.

"You said you're starving." I talked to him, trying to sound soft even though I'm about 40% angry.

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