74. Finding Sam

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Tian's Pov.

But to kill him, then first, I need to find him.

I tried to call his phone again, but it still not active. Damn it.

Since when did this bastard become this coward. A fucking coward bastard. I will kill him for sure.

No, no. Just killing him is not enough. Maybe I should torture him first.

Skin him alive? Nah, that's too troublesome.

Should I feed him to dogs? Bulldogs? Doberman? But where can I find the dogs? Ah.. maybe Ray knows where.

But will he help me to kill his own cousin? I doubt that.. But he has to help me. I am his boyfriend! And his fucking cousin hurts his favorite son. He must be want to kill him too.

But where is he?

Home. He must be at his home.

"He's not home." Then Ray answered the question in my head spesifically.

Like.. woah.. he could read my mind. No wonder, we really made for each other.

No wait. Focus Tian. You have to find Sam. To kill him.

"Then where is he?" I asked Ray.

Ray sighed softly, massaging his forehead, then talk in small voice. "I don't know, Tian.."

Poor Ray. He must be so stress right now. We have gone through this before with Yusuke. And now Sam.

Fuck it Sam. You're torturing Ray too.

"We don't know if he go at night or this morning, he might be still around here." Jack then said.

"Oh, that's right. If he went out this morning, he should be around." Belle added.

Right. I turned my head to look at Ray who once again let out a long sigh. But then he grabbed his car key and looked back at me.

"Let's try to find him. Jack is right, he might be still around here."

I nodded my head right away. Let's find me. Ah, maybe hit him with the car is fine too.

"I'm coming with you." Jack said.

Ray nodded his head and walked out first.

"I'm coming too." Belle said.

I liked her at first, but since she made a random guess like earlier, I hate her.

"No, you stay. Help Yu if he needs anything." Jack then said to her.

I stared at Jack bewildered. Is this really Jack who I know before. Jack the jerk.

He's really change.

"Come on." Then he asked me to come.

Well. It's good that he's change now.

"Oh, where are you going?" Richard asked while he's getting down the stairs.

"Go find Sam." I replied him briefly without stopping my walk.

"Oh, he might be still there." Then he said again.

And it stopped me right away. And Jack in front of me, he must be heard Richard too.

"There? You know where is he?" Belle asked.

Richard blinked his eyes looking at us all. Then he let out his phone and showed it to us.

"He posted it on his story." Richard said lightly.

He posted what on his story?

I opened my phone right away, while Jack and Belle rushed to Richard to look at his phone. Why would they, they could just see it through their phones.

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