55. Struggle

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Yu's pov.

After all the struggle for more than half an hour setting up the tent, we're finally done it.

With a little help from Jack's team as he said he felt pity on us because none of me, Sam, Tian and even Ray know how to build a tent.

Okay not a little. A lot.

"I picked the wrong team." Sam sighed loudly.

He sweats a lot. It is really hot out here. We're in the mountain so I thought that it would be cold right here. But I was so wrong.

"Now what?" Tian asked.

Jack and his friends have already left. And the four of us just sit in front of the tent, do nothing.

"Rest?" I half answered and half asked because damn it was exhausting. I mean we should take a rest.

"Let's take a walk." Sam said standing up and reaching out his hand to me.

Didn't I say to rest clearly earlier.

But Sam looked at me with so much bright eyes. How could I resist that.

"Okay." I said smiling widely back to him then grabbed his hand.

"Take a long walk. I'll just stay here then." Tian said with a weird smile.

"Don't walk too far." Ray shouted too.

But then Tian slapped his arms.

I laughed softly when I see how Ray is being tamed by Tian.

He just wanted to stay together with Ray. Well I was so stupid because how could I not know that they're so much in love to each other just like me and Sam.

Maybe because my focus was only on Sam lately, so I didn't put any attention to others, but it was really worth it. Being with Sam is the best thing that happen in my life.

Sometimes I wonder how long we could keep up with this relationship. I mean, times goes on, and soon enough, Sam will leave me to continue his study.

I was confidence when I told him to go. But as the time comes closer, I can't help to be anxious about it. I will be really miss this guy here.

Holding his hand like this, looking at his soft smile, his bright eyes, his plump lips. Damn, I want to kiss him.

"Hm?" Sam turned his head slightly and staring at me.

I was surprise because he suddenly turned his head, I thought I was thinking out loud. About wanting to kiss him. I was so stupid.

"Hm?" I asked him back.

"What are you thinking about? You didn't even listen to me." He said.

"Ah sorry. What did you say?" I asked because damn I didn't even know that he's talking.

Sam giggled softly and patted my head. "Nothing. I just said that the weather is really nice."

We were in the uphills, somehow we made it here, and luckily there is no one here. So we decided to stop and have a sit right here.

I smiled after hearing what Sam said and looked up the bright sky above us.

"Um. It is. And it's so much better than the rooftop." I said back to him.

"So much better.." Sam replied with a soft chuckled.

We're both enjoying the sun bathing and the cool wind here for a while. There is no need to talk between us. Just stay by each other side, even without saying anything, being with Sam is always feel comfortable.

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