44. Drunk

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Yu's pov.

What is this place?

What am I doing here?

How could get in here?

Oh right, it was me.

It was me who brought myself here.

Because I decided to come with Jack. What a stupid decision.

"You look cute!" Said another woman poke my cheek while she's walking by.

I lost count on how many people do that. Especially the women. Girls are always scary but the older ones are worse.

"I haven't seen you before, first time here?" A not too old but not young either woman came over and sat beside me.

At least she didn't try to touch me like the others.

I just smiled at her slightly. Well I won't be here if it wasn't because of Jack, and my stupid emotion. Damn it.

"You're cute." She said again.

Yeah I started to believing that I am cute because I heard it too many times today.

"Oh, hi mrs. Lin." Jack is finally out and greet the woman who talked to me.

"Hi Jack. You're looking good as always." Mrs. Lin said with a warm smile.

"You're looking beautiful as always too, Mrs. Lin." Jack smoothly talked back.

Then Jack took a sit beside me after he patted my shoulder.

"Friend of yours?" This Mrs. Lin asked Jack but I believe she asked about me.

"Yes." Jack answered shortly.

He looks different than he used to at school. With his hair up, Jack doesn't even look like he's a highschool student.

"He works here too?" Mrs. Lin asked again.

Jack giggled softly, "No.. he's just a guest." 

"What a shame. The ladies would go crazy for him."

Jack just let out a soft giggled and smiled at me.

I'm in the middle of them, it feels awkward because they talked about me but I can't say anything because I don't even understand anything.

"What is your name?" Mrs. Lin is now talking to me.

I glanced to Jack. I don't really feel like to give her my name. I don't know why, I just don't want it.

"Mrs. Lin, you looked tense, how about we move to the couch? I'll listen to your story." Jack asked her to move and I am really grateful for that.

Surprisingly Jack could read my mind so well.

"No, I like it here." Mrs. Lin turned out to be a hard woman.

"Luke!" Jack suddenly shouted and waving his hand highly.

Then a fine good looking man who owns the name come over us.

"Good evening, Mrs. Lin, it's been a long time since I saw you here." This man called Luke talked smoother than Jack.

"You still work here.." Mrs. Lin changed her attention to Luke right away.

Then Jack patted my head and gave me a signal with his eyes to come with him. Finally, I wanted to leave this place since the moment I got in here.

Jack took me to the back room, there are a lot of people here, men, women, they're all wearing fancy clothes giving their best looks for tonight.

We got in to an empty room with many mirrors inside. It looked like the change room or whatever its name.

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