10. Different

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Yu's Pov.

Somehow, Sam looks different today.

He kept looking at me as usual, but when I looked at him back, he'll turn his gaze away. He never did that before. Is it because he's still angry because of what happened last night.

But I already told him that it's not because I don't want him to take me home. How can I asked him to get back to the coffee shop just to take me home. I mean why should he do that just for me.

Should I ask him if he's angry to me. Should I just stay quiet. God I never feel this way before. We never talked before and it was just fine, so why am I being restless now.

"You changed it."

Sam suddenly spoke that he startled me. Honestly, I do get surprise easily.

He said I changed it, what did I changed. I followed his eyes that looking at my hand. Ah.. the bandage.

"Um." I answered him softly. Should I talk longer. But what else should I say.

"So that's why you didn't want me to come back, because you went to doctor with Ray?" He asked me softly.

"Huh?" Why does he think like that. "No. I.."

"Sam! You're not going to canteen?"

A girl from our class ask Sam with her loud voice.

I looked around, it's break time already, I don't even notice it.

Usually Sam will go out from the class, followed by other people. And me, I prefer to stay in the class and get some sleep. There's no one at the class at break time so I can sleep peacefully.

"You go ahead. I wait for Yusuke." Sam said with a smile.

Wait for me?

"Oh.. okay. See you there." The girl keep looking at me with this weird surprised look at her face. But girl, me too, I got surprised too.

"Let's go." Sam asked me with his deep voice.

Um he looks scary. I don't really want to follow him actually. What if he punch me or something somewhere. But what if he still punch me if I don't follow him.

"Where?" I dare myself to asked him.

Sam smirk a little, it makes him look scarier. But he looks more handsome too.

"Canteen. I'm hungry." He answered short and cold.

But I'm not hungry. And I don't like crowded place that's why I never go to canteen before. But how can I explain all of that if Sam looks this scary.

And where is Tian. He's not coming to school today. Or maybe that's why Sam ask me to go with him, because Tian is not here.

"What you've been thinking all the time?" Sam caught me off guard.

We've already sit on one of the table at canteen right now. The canteen is crowded of course, but when we got here, this is the only table that available even though the other tables are full. And even the table is in the middle of the canteen.

"Where is Tian?" I asked this first. Well it's been on my head too since this morning.

Tian is always be noisy and cracking jokes that it feels empty without him in the class. But I have to admit that he can get annoying too sometimes.

"He said he's sick. But maybe he's just being lazy to get up from his bed. He always like that sometimes."

Sam answered with a smile. He doesn't look angry anymore. That makes me glad.

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