82. Let's go

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Sam's pov.

"Yu is okay. Come here."

Should I trust him?

But Ray sounded so serious. Maybe he's right. But.. but still..


Then I heard Tian called his name.

Wait. Shouldn't he inside the surgery room, why is Tian calling his name? Is the surgery over?

But then there he is. I found Yu in front of the surgery room.

"Sammy.." And he called my name quietly.

I got the power back on my legs and ran over  Yu to hug him.

"Thank God you're okay. Thank God.." I kept saying to Yu while I hugged him tightly.

I was really afraid to see Yu hurts. But seeing him here, it's really a relief.

"I'm fine.." Yu said quietly.

But wait, I released Yu and looked at him once again.

"Are you hurt, what's with this blood?" I asked, his hands are full of blood, his shirt too.

"It's.. it's not my blood." Yu answered looking down to his hands.

Not his blood? Then who..

"Yu, what happened?" Ray came closer and asked.

Yu turned his head to Ray for a second but then he lowered his head back. Then I know that his hands are trembling. I held it right away and lowered my head to meet his eyes.

"It's okay, Yu. I'm here. It's okay now.." I told him quietly.

Yu stared back at me and nodded his head. But a second later he let out his cry. I pulled him back to my embrace. Turned out that he's trembling all over his body, not just his hands.

I don't know what was happen, but it must be hard for Yu.

We waited for a few minutes until Yu finally calmed down and stop crying. He's not shaking anymore, but he kept holding on my hands tightly. Like he doesn't want me to let it go. And of course I won't let him go.

There are so many questions in my head. I'm sure Ray and Tian are the same.

If Yu here is okay, thankfully, but this blood, that means it belongs to Aaron.

So inside there, the surgery room, is Aaron.

But what the hell happened?

"I stabbed him."

Then Yu suddenly talked quietly.

I froze. All of us. Even Tian said nothing and just kept staring at Yu. All of us did.

"Did he attack you? You were defense yourself?" Ray is the only one who could talk.

Right, it must be a defensive act.

"No." Yu then muttered softly. He kept his head down, seemed like he doesn't want to look at us. But why?

"He was trying to stop me." Then he continued, even quieter.

"Stop you from what?" I asked.

It should have been the opposite, I mean, did Yu try to attack Aaron?

We waited for a minute. But Yu just keep quiet after that.

"Yu.." I called his name softly. "We need to know what happen."

Yu nodded his head. But he didn't say anything even after the nod.

"I'm sorry.." Then he said.

"Hm?" Why the sorry all of sudden?

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