67. Back to normal

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Yu's pov.

"Oh, Yusuke." Jack greeted me right away after he saw me get inside the coffee shop.

I nodded my head and smiling widely. It feels good to be back here.

"You sure you're fine now?" Ray then asked me.

"I'm fine." I told him surely.

"What about the person behind you? He doesn't look fine." Tian then asked.

I looked back behind me where Sam is and laughed softly. Sam just stay quiet, but well he might be a little angry because I keep insisting to work today while he said no. But I was so bored to just stay at home.

"He's fine." I said smiling softly.

Sam just sighed softly. He's angry.

"Ray." Sam suddenly called Ray.

We're all looking at Sam right away. But then he gave signal to Ray with his chin to go outside. Ray followed him anyway. I just sighed softly. I could imagine what they're talking about. Sam is probably tell Ray about me.

And I need to talk with this guy here too.

"Jack. We need to talk." I told him softly.

Jack nodded his head then follow me to the staff room.

"Why is no one want to talk to me too?" I could hear Tian talked, but well this is not about him.

"What?" Jack asked right away after he closed the door behind him.

I took a deep breathe first. I have to talk about this.

"I heard about your brother." I told him softly. "And I'm sorry about it."

Jack said nothing, he just kept looking at me.

"But I won't be like him." I told him again.

Jack still said nothing and just kept looking at me. Why didn't he say anything. This is getting awkward. I mean, he used to tease me a lot. Not a lot more than Sam or Tian, but well..

"Okay.." Jack finally talked.

Okay? That's it? What is that okay mean?

"Is that all?" Jack asked me then.

I blinked my eyes kept looking at him then nodded my head slowly.

"Then let's get back to work." He said almost opening the door but then I hold the door to stay close.

"Wait." I told him. But then I looked at his face that is suddenly so close to mine. I guess I was the cause so I just have to step back a little.

"I mean.." I stepped back and cleared my throat first before continue, "I mean, I won't do that, ever, so don't say anything weird to Sam."

"Weird?" Jack asked me back.

Umm.. did I use the wrong word?

"I mean.. something awful?" I asked nyself trying to find the right words.

Jack laughed softly.

Wait, where is the funny? I am serious.

"I know. I'm sorry. I won't say anything weird and awful again to Sam." Jack then said while patting my head gently.

Then Jack took the apron and put it on me, "I hope you keep that on your mind." He said while he turned me back so that he could tie the apron on my back. "That you won't do something like that." He continued.

Jack then turned me back again so that I faced him. "It's a horrible thing to do, for the people who left behind too.." Then he muttered softly.

I just stay quiet while kept looking at Jack. He looks sad. I never knew he could look so soft like this.

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