76. Dejavu

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Sam's pov.

"What is this?! You've found him. Why didn't you tell us!"

Jack's girlfriend is shouting from afar when she saw us walked out from the beach. She's such a petite girl but she sure has a loud voice.

"Did you have some fun on the beach? Why are drenched wet?" Then Jack asked Yu after we're close.

Yu chuckled softly by Jack's question. Then Jack took off his jacket and gave it to Yu.

It feels like a dejavu. I've done this before to Yu. But why would Jack do this?


Then another loud voice came from the right.

"What happened? Why are you drenched wet? Are you okay?" Richard spits out his question then he checked on Yu from head to toe.

"I'm fine." Yu said softly while his body is being held by Richard for the scan.

"But what happened?" Evan joined Richard and checked on Yu too.

I kept watching them from aside. It's just my feeling, but everyone's attention is on Yu right now.

Not that I don't like it. But it just that I feel something is wrong here.

Like, am I invisible or something? Why didn't they see me?

I am soaking wet too.

"Let's change your clothes and grab something to eat." Then Ray separated Richard from Yu, but then held Yu by his side. "You'll get cold if you stay like this." He continued, and dragged Yu out with him.

"Well I'm starving too." Tian said while he followed Ray and Yu from behind.

"Right, let's go." Evan said to Richard.

I could hear Jack sighed softly but then he put his hands around his girlfriend, and they leave too.

Everyone is leaving. Leaving me out to be exact.

What the hell is happening?


Then I heard Yu call me out.

"Let's go." He said.

Everyone turned his head to look at me, like they're waiting for me. But then I focused my eyes on Yu and gave him a smile.

Of course I'll go to whenever Yu go.

"Was there something happen while I'm gone?" I asked Tian.

I've done changing my clothes with Ray's. But Yu is still in the bathroom. I have no idea why Richard and Evan insisted to stay with him. While Ray, Jack and Jack's girlfriend is ordering our food.

Tian is the only person here, and thank God it's Tian so I can ask him what happened.

"Like what?" Tian asked back coldly.

Even Tian acts not like himself to me. I mean, Tian is always an asshole, but he's just worse today.

Forget the cry he had half an hour ago when he said that he thought I was about to die.

"Something happened, wasn't it?" I asked him again.

"What makes you think so?" Tian asked back again.

"Everyone keep looking at me differently." I told him.

"How?" Tian asked again.

"Like how you look at me right now." I told him honestly.

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