Birthday girl - Alycia

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"Please tell me nobody else said it!!!" Alycia rolled her eyes.

"No Y/N, nobody has done it yet" She replied through the phone.

"Are you sure?" Y/N asked again.


"Oh my god one minute!!!" She squealed.

"Do we really have to go through this every year, love?" Alycia said giggling.

"Shhh, okay ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one..."

"Here we go" Alycia chuckled.

"Happy birthday Alycia! my god!!!! it's your special day, i'm so happy you let me be part of your life, I love you baby, so so much, you cannot even imagine, I really hope you have the most amazing day of your life, of course with me" She said proudly, she was so happy she got to be the first one on wishing her happy birthday even though she knew Alycia would lie to her all the time telling her she was the first just to make her happy. And she was. Indeed because she already knew she wasn't the first but her precious girl let her believe that and that was everything for her.

"You are so cute, I love you and thank you so much my love, I'll see you tomorrow okay? we need to sleep now" Alycia said. She didn't want to say goodbye yet because they haven't had much time since they both are working on movie/series plots.

"I know, I'll see you tomorrow, have a safe flight my love" Y/N said, she didn't want to say bye either.



"I miss you" Alycia said, her voice cracking a little.

"Hey it's okay baby, we going to spend three days together, it's gonna be worth it okay? I miss you too, I promise it's okay, I love you okay? go get some rest" Y/N tried to make her feel better, she in fact did it, she was the only one who can make her thoughts fade away, the only one who can put her mind at ease.

"Okay, you too, I love you so much more, I'll see you tomorrow" They both hung the call.


"BABE!" Y/N yelled and Alycia ran to her arms, she wrapped her arms around her holding her like there was no tomorrow. Alycia smiled as soon as her body made contact with her girlfriend's body, how much she has missed her.

"God i missed you so so much" Alycia smiled as she hugged her tightly.

"I missed you too, now let's go I have a surprise for you" Y/N said and dragged her by her small hand, Alycia followed her with her suitcase and they got into a cab, the drive was short, like ten minutes and they get to get off the car.

"What is this place?" Alycia asked.

"Shhhh you'll see" Y/N has the best surprise ever, she knows how much Alycia loves flowers so she rent a place and place every flower she could buy on it, so she can literally drown in different kind of flowers all day in her special day.

"Okay but what is it?" Alycia asked impatient.

"Close your eyes and give me your hand" Alycia did as she was told, Y/N guided her to the entrance.

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"Open them"

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"Open them"

Alycia gasped as she opened her eyes, there was a garden filled with flowers literally everywhere, then a small house and every room has flowers. Her eyes watered, she looked around and couldn't believe how many flowers there were in there.

"Oh my god" She was lost of words.

"You like it?" Y/N asked nervously.

"I absolutely love this, Y/N oh my god this is so beautiful, every room is filled with flowers, oh my god" She turned around to get a better view of every part of the place, she noticed every flower, she got to smell all of them, she was drowning.

Suddenly she turned around to face Y/N and she was kneeled in front of her with a small blue box in her hands. Alycia's hands traveled to her mouth, she gasped.

"I know it's maybe really fast to do this, maybe you don't really feel ready about this but I—"


Y/N chuckled. Magically all the nervous she had in her faded away. "Love I haven't even asked you yet" Alycia chuckled as tears fell down her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I just, Okay, I'm sorry carry on" She bit her lip, her heart was pounding in her chest, her hands shaking.

"I love you with all I am, with all I have, I just think on spending the rest of my life with you, Alycia Jasmin Debnam Carey would you make me the happiest woman alive and marry me?" She opened the box and revealed the diamond ring, it was beautiful, it was a rose, it was just perfect.

Alycia sobbed and nodded frenetically. "Yes yes yes!!" She said and Y/N took her hand and slide the ring into her finger. Alycia grabbed her face in between her hands and kissed her passionately. Y/N wrapped her arms around her waist pulling her closer.

Once air was an issue they pulled away. Alycia couldn't stop smiling, she looked over the ring. She was in awe, she couldn't believe she just got engaged.

"I love you" She whispered as she cupped Y/N's face.

"I love you so much more" Y/N said.

"This is the best birthday ever!" She sighed. "Can I take these home?" She asked. Referring to the flowers.

"They are probably thousand baby, I'm sure you can grab some" Y/N chuckled.

"You're rhe best, I love you"

"I love you too"

no read proof but hope u like it. :)

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