Selfish, Part 2.

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After that day Alycia and I didn't talk anymore, it's been a week and she tried to call me and left a lot of text.

Angel ❤️
Y/N please answer me... i'm so sorry about that i promise i'll change it.

Please just talk to me.

It's like the 156 message i send to you and i'm so desperate.

Please, Call me just let me talk to you baby i miss you so much, gosh i love you and i know i have been selfish but i'm so sorry baby i love you.

I'll change that okay? i promise i'll change the shitty past, just please talk to me.

I ignore all her messages and calls, i really don't wanna talk to her, i'm so broken right now, i just want to be happy with her but she doesn't care.

"How are you?" My friend Lisa asked.

"Trying to be okay" I said and tears fell for my cheeks, i feel my friend hugging me and i cried even more.

"Oh come on, give her a chance... maybe she wants to make it up to you" Lisa said, Alycia is such an angel, she is a good person but she doesn't know when she is hurting someone by being selfish.

"I don't know" I said and she looked at me.

"At least watch her new interview, that will change your mind" My friend smiled at me and handed me my laptop, i raised an eyebrow and took it.

"Why?" I asked her, she just winked and left my room.

I took my laptop and did search for the last interview of Alycia, it was yesterday, i press the video and it went to the whole screen and started.

"So alycia how are you doing?" The guy asked her and she smiled a bit.

"Well not pretty well you know" Everyone kept silence and the guy looked at her.

"What happen? i mean fear the walking dead is amazing and you are literally killing it! what's wrong?"

"Well you know a week ago i lost someone super important to me and i feel so shitty because i miss her so much" She said tearing up.

"Oh... who is she? can you tell us?" the guy asked and she smiled a little.

"She is my girlfriend... well ex girlfriend i think so she broke up with me" She said and everyone was shook but sad about the confession.

"Oh i am so sorry, what happened? i didnt even know you had a girlfriend" He said and everyone giggled.

"Well yeah i had one, for three years but she broke up with me because i'm an asshole and such a selfish bitch that kept her as a secret all the time" She started to cry and the guy hug her.

"Oh i'm so sorry Alycia, but come on why did you hide her? she must be pretty and cute, if you saw something in her she must be special"

"She is. Y/N if you are watching this please forgive me and call me please baby i miss you so much... i- i really don't know what to do without you" She cried and the guy rubbed her back.

"It's okay she will call you i'm pretty sure if she watched this she will call you, come on Y/N girl call your girl, she loves you and she is here right now telling you everything, make some noise to alycia guys" Everyone started to clap and scream.

"Y/N i love you, please forgive me for being an asshole and so selfish, i do love you" I closed my laptop and grabbed my phone.

Come on, come on pick up Alycia, pick it up.

"Hey it's me Alycia, no you are not talking to me this is just a voicemail, so call me later or text me bye" I cut the call, damn it.

I grabbed my jacket and ran downstairs.

"Baby where are you going? it's 11 and it's raining" My mom said.

"I have to go to Alycia now" I said and closed the door behind me, i ran down the street and ran and ran to be honest i live a bit close to Alycia so it's not a big deal.
I kept running and finally arrived at her porch, the lights were on so i fastly knocked on her door.

"Alycia come on, open the door" I said and i hear someone coming.

"Y/N?" She was shook when she opened the door and saw me. "What are you doing here? it's raining silly, come in" She said and i walked inside.

She closed the door, i pushed her to the wall and kiss her really fast and rough, oops. She kissed me almost in seconds and grabbed me by my waist, she moaned between the kiss and i pulled away, i don't want this get heated just yet.

"Baby i'm sorry for not answering  your calls i was so mad and broken and i'm -" She kissed me again and pulled me more close of her body, we pulled away.

"Don't say sorry i'm so so sorry baby for being so selfish, i didn't mean it, i didn't see how much pain i was giving to you, baby i love you i'm so sorry" She said and i pecked her lips again.

"It's okay, oh my god i cant believe you did that, gosh honestly it doesn't need to be like that, but i'm so proud of you and what you did" I said and she smiled pecking my lips again. Gosh i missed her lips so much.

"It was really amazing, all the fans went crazy asking me to marry them and i was pretty funny, they love you too, they said on twitter and instagram that you need to be with me again, i post some pics of you and I, it was pretty cute" She said, wow i didn't even know.

"You did? oh my gosh i never saw them" I said. "But gosh i'm so happy that you did that, thank you so much, really" i said and pecked her lips.

"I love you so much" Alycia said and hugged me.

"I love you so much too baby, thank you for being amazing now, you are a sweetheart, i'm sorry for being mad at you for that, i just was tired and -"

"I know, don't worry, i know i had to do that time ago, i love you baby, let's gonna cuddle all night baby, you need to get changed" She said and i nodded.

After i got change Alycia and I went to the bed and cuddle till we both fall asleep in each other's arms, this is everything, i love her so much and i'm glad that i can say it to the world now, i'm so proud of her, she did that for me and wow it was just the best thing someone have done for me ever, I love Alycia Debnam-Carey.

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