Birthday present - Alycia

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Alycia's birthday finally came and she was so excited, she was this year celebrating it at work but it doesn't bother her a bit, well maybe just because she can't be home with her family and with her girlfriend but still she's with her second family having such an amazing time.

"Wake up Alycia! we need to get ready for Comic con" Jenna talked to Alycia and she groaned, she was tired but still rolled over and got out the bed.

"What time is it?" She asked looking at the window, it was dark and she blinked trying to adjust her eyes to the room's light.

"It's twenty to six, now let's go we have a long day in the way" She smiled and Alycia rolled her eyes, she grabbed her phone and checked for messages but right it was pretty early for Y/N's to wake up, she sighed and started to get ready.


"Happy birthday!!!!" Alycia was surprised when Colman, Maggie and Jenna yelled to her in the hallway of the hotel, she smiled and jumped like a little kid, Colman gave her flowers and Alycia took them.

"Guys!!! thank you so much, this is amazing" Alycia said and received hugs from Jenna and Colman.

"Lets go to have a fantastic day kiddo" Colman said and Alycia smiled.

They walked out of the hotel and there was a lot of fans, they yelled when the guys walked their way to the car and Alycia smiled to them when they yelled 'happy birthday'

"Thank you guys! you are amazing, want pics?" She asked nicely and they nodded, she took a few pics and they left her to continue her way to comic con.

"Yes... no wait where? no, i told you at the front door Y/N, gosh you're so stubborn, okay, no i won't tell obviously, but when? okay but it has to be at quarter past twelve you know it, yes okay, see you" Alycia overheard the whole conversation, why was Colman talking to Y/N? and why isn't she calling her. She pursed her lips and walked into the car.

"Who was it?" Alycia asked and Colman shook his head. "No one? it sounded like someone"

"Nothing, just a familiar call, just that, let's go miss debnam carey!" Colman said and Alycia rolled her eyes. She sat and sighed looking at her phone, why is her girlfriend talking to Colman and not her? she started overthinking and that made her nervous.

When they arrived at comic con, they were the first cast to enter at the panel to sign some papers and to talk to fans, so they walked down the hallway to the room and take their spots.

"Alycia!! happy birthday sweetie" Danay got closer and hugged Alycia, she smiled.

"Thank you Dan, you're so sweet" Alycia thanked her and took her spot.

After a few fans Alycia looked over to see if there was more and indeed, it was a few more, everyone wished her a happy birthday and she was having an amazing time, she shared laughs and tears with the cast and the few fans that walked to them, she signed a lot of posters and received a lot of gifts also.

"Excuse me, i know this is a fear the walking dead comic con but i couldn't resist myself from get an autograph by Lexa Kom Trikru" A voice spoke and she smiled without even look.

"Don't worry hun, it's okay i can sign it for you if this makes you-" Alycia cut herself looking up and she saw her girlfriend standing there, she smiled widely and stood up walking to her.

"Oh hun you could hugged me from there" Y/N said and Alycia ran to hug her, she felt wet in her shoulders, Y/N frowned. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry... i- i thought you forgot and i'm so happy that you're here with me" Alycia sniffled and Y/N smiled.

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