Messy - Alycia

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Being in love with your best friend is something that shouldn't happen, but how can you stop the feelings when that girl is everything to you? when all you see is a beautiful disaster in her.
She is the complete opposite to me. I'm such an organized adult, have an apartment and a job. She's such a crazy teenager who was with her parents to be with her friend to be with her ex boyfriend who is currently living with me. She has been working for 2 days in her new job because the last one didn't satisfied her expectations. She's such a messy teenager, but will all of that. I'm so in love with her.

I can't tell her of course... i would ruin everything. She's... sometimes too straight for my liking.
Her last boyfriend broke up with her two months ago, she was so heartbroken and I remember we had a movie marathon for 2 days. Eventually she got better.

"I'm late i'm late i'm late" I heard her melodic voice, I smiled to myself bitting my lip trying to hide it from her.

"Then go!" I spoke to her.

"Gosh i don't want to leave you alone again" She pouted. Adorable.

"It's fine! just go, i'll be fine for three hours" I said sarcastically, she just works three hours shifts at the coffee shop in the corner of our building.

"I hate you, you know?" She rolled her eyes.

"That's why i'm your best friend" I said. Yep those words.

"Hell you are, now stay safe while i go to work, Please! don't burn the house, do not cook, i'll come back" She said. I do not cook, she does all the dirty job.

"I won't, Hurry!" She shook her head and walked out of the door. I sighed.

I walked to the bathroom and decided to take a shower. After like ten minutes i walked out and got dressed, i heard the door so I walked to the living room to open it.

"Gosh you take forever on get the door girl" Maia said, i rolled my eyes and let her in.

"I was taking a shower" I said.

"Oh... finally some action? with your girl, you know?" She smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "No... she's working, she isn't my girl and... honestly never will"

"Alycia... you're my best friend and as your best friend if you were in love with me i would like to know, even if i don't like girls" Maia said. I sighed. She's right, but i can't.

"I don't want to lose her" She smiled sympathycally.

"You won't.... i have seen her with you, you really think she's going to reject you?" I shrugged. "Come on! she loves you, perhaps she likes you"

"Stop doing that, you put my hopes up and i don't really want to be disappointed" I said looking down to my hands.

"Tell her, you have to"

"I'll try... tonight, she's going to cook something for dinner and i'll tell her" I said, my hands were already sweating. Maia smiled.

After that little talk we started talking about our next movies, shows and plans in the future i didn't realize it was already 7 pm.

"Alycia! i'm back" I heard Y/N's voice, my whole body tensed. Maia looked at me.

"I'm in here, in the kitchen" I yelled.

"Hey baby!" She told me. "Oh Maia, didn't know you were here, hi!" She said as she walked to give me a hug.

"Are you okay? hurt? did you cook?" I shook my head. She acts so maternal to me because i don't go out as much as she would like me to, she thinks i need love and affection. Which she's not fully wrong. I need her love and affection.

Maia cleared her throat. "Okay i think i have to go, it was nice to be here Alycia, i'll call you, bye Y/N nice to see you too" Y/N smiled to her and nodded. Maia grabbed her things and walked out of the apartment.

She started cooking as I was sitting there playing with my fingers debating with myself if i should tell her or not.

"Can you pass me the sauce?" She asked breaking my thoughts, I nodded and handed it to her. "What did you and Maia do?"

I looked at her surprised she actually asked. "Uh— just talk about the movies and all"


"Y/N..." I said. She turned over to face me.

"Yes?" She said, she looked delightful. Even when she has a disaster in her life she can manage to look so peaceful and calm all the time.

"There's... um i have to tell you...  uh... something?" I spoke, my pulse increased.

She looked at me worried, she sat in the chair next to me placing herself in front of me. "Tell me baby, what's wrong?" Everytime she calls me that my whole body melts.

I bit my lip. "Uh... well... this is something... um..."

"What happen? are you alright? oh my god, you're dating someone, aren't you?" Her eyes widened.

"No! i mean, what i need to tell you is—"

"Oh no, you have a secret boyfriend and you're pregnant!"


"You're marrying someone?"

"I like you!" I bursted. She looked at me in shock.

"What?" She breathed out.

I swallowed. I sighed and looked at her in the eyes. "I like you, i know everything in your life is a disaster at the moment and that you don't really have a head for lovers or liking someone or even to fall in love with someone like me... i know you're such a mess, but with all the mess i... i love you... i have for a very long time, i know you're not prepared for something like this and i get it, i can wait if you tell me you feel something for me, just the slightest feeling... i know everything is messy now and that you—" I was interrupted by a pair of lips, My eyes widened at first but quickly I kissed her back, getting lost in her lips, the kiss was perfect, our lips moved in sync the whole time, nobody was in a hurry, the kiss was in slow motion, she stood up from her chair and placed herself sitting in my lap, legs side to side, she deepened the kiss and our tongues started battling for dominance. Until of course she won. We slowly pulled away, she pressed her forehead to mine as we tried to recover our breathe.

"You talk too much" Her breathe was irregular. "I like you too Alycia... I have for a long time too, i in fact dated that asshole because i thought you would never date me, i wasn't even heartbroken, but you accepted to stay with me for two days so i wasn't going to reject that" She bit her lip.

"God you're such a good actress"

"Learnt from the best" She pecked my lips one more time.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"I was kinda scared you would reject me" She said. "You thought the same right?" I nodded. "I'm a mess, i don't even have where to live, my life is a disaster, i don't even know what i want to do with my life, but one thing i'm sure, i do want you"

"Shut up" I said and cupped her face kissing her passionately. We smiled in the kiss, she placed her hands in my neck pulling me closer.

"Why does this took you so long Alycia?" She smiled.

"You don't do it easy for me" We both chuckled. "I'll take you out tomorrow, dinner" She nodded.

"Deal" She kisses my cheek. "After work" She remembered.

"Of course you messy bitch" She laughed and kissed me again. I could get used to this.


it's getting hard to have ideas 😭
stay safe kids.
sorry for any grammar mistake

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