I wish - Alycia

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1d song just because


I sat in the grass, it was fresh and the wind hitting my face was making me feel relaxed, the wind was cold and it feels wonderful touching my skin, it helps me to feel less. Lately i have been stressed and a bit depressed, the thing is the girl i like would never lay eyes on me, i mean she's so outta my league, she's beautiful and obviously straight, we aren't friends at least not the closest ones, we barely talk but at least she knows about my existence.

He takes your hand, I die a little
I watch your eyes and I'm in riddles
Why can't you look at me like that?

I looked up and saw her with her boyfriend, my heart froze, i looked down to the book i was reading so our looks won't make contact.

When you walk by, I try to say it
But then I freeze, and never do it
My tongue gets tied, the words get trapped (Trapped)
I hear the beat of my heart getting louder, whenever I'm near you.

I saw them walking by, she giggling, her laugh and voice were my favorite things about her, i could hear her laughing and speaking the whole day. I sighed, suddenly i felt someone in front of me, i looked up closing the book i was reading.

"Hi Y/N" I heard her, i tried to not smile, i bit my lip and just tilted my head to the side.

"Hi Alycia" I mumbled, she smiled and sat next to me. I cleared my throat.

"So what are you reading?"

"Um a book"

"I know silly" She chuckled.

"It's black ice, by becca fitzpatrick" I replied, she smiled.

"Well i think i would read it sometime, it seems interesting if it called your attention" She said, why does she speak like me like she'd know me?

"Yeah, it's good, Alycia i-"

"Baby, here your ice cream" I heard her boyfriend's voice, sighed and just went back to my book, i saw her a bit uncomfortable and she just stood up.

"Thank you, um well we should go, bye Y/N, see you around" She said and i nodded, she walked away with hand in hand with him.

But I see you
With him slow dancing
Tearing me apart 'cause you don't see
Whenever you
Kiss him, I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me.

They stood up in the middle of the park near to a tree, he smiled as she laughed probably of something he said, suddenly he kissed her, i looked away, it hurts so much because it isn't me.
They broke the kiss and just stare at each other for a while, she looked down and he lifted his chin, making her looking again, he smiled and again kissed her.

He looks at you, the way that I would
Does all the things, I know that I could
If only time, could just turn back
'Cause I got three little words that I've always been dying to tell you.

I got tired and just walked to my house, i entered my room and broke down in tears, i feel so stupid for ever think she could lay her eyes on me, that she was being friendly because she likes me, she just feels pity about me, that's it.


"Guess what" I heard someone behind me, i rolled my eyes and just sighed.

"What now Rose?" I asked, she frowned.

"First of all what is it?" I rose a brow.


"Okay anyway, i got laid last night"

"Dont you always? why do i even care?" She shrugged.

"Yes but i meant with someone, and you care just because i'm your friend, now let me guess its Alycia?" I nodded.

"Who else? i have been in love with the girl for almost two years"

"Hun, you need to stop worrying about her, she doesn't like you, she has a boyfriend and she fucks him every night so really stop doing it you're hurting yourself"

"Thank you, you're really a good friend" I said sarcastically.

"Oh come on, i'm telling you because you are important to me and if i'm not harsh you won't forget her and will get more even hurt" I sighed even tho she's right.

"Yeah i know" I turned around and just walked to my class, i grabbed my phone because it was buzzing, i got distracted and suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh no! i'm so sorry!" I heard she said, it was her.

"Don't worry, i'm so sorry i wasn't looking, i'm so sorry" I said.

"It's okay Y/N, i hope i didn't hurt you" Yeah you did emotionally.

"No, i'm fine, i have to go" I said walking away, i sat in my usual spot in the classroom and saw everyone entering the room. Suddenly i felt Alycia walking in with her boyfriend.

With my hands on your waist, while we dance in the moonlight
I wish it was me, that you'll call later on 'cause you wanna say good night.

She sat with him in the first row of the classroom, they holding each other's hands, i felt hurt, suddenly he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, they shared a kiss, she smiled and laughed the whole time. It really was killing me, it felt like thousand knives on your chest.

But I see you
With him slow dancing
Tearing me apart 'cause you don't see
Whenever you
Kiss him, I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish, that was me.

The teacher entered the classroom and started explaining the next project, it will be with a partner and we have to show our best skills in photography, i was happy because i love photography, it's just my partner at the moment isn't the best.

"Y/L/N, you will work with, miss debnam-carey" He said, i sighed, i felt all the looks in me, i just pretend to write on my notebook as they turned around to the see the teacher again.

After the class ended, Alycia came to me with a huge smile in her face.

"Hey sweetheart! i came to talk about the project, i think we should do it in your place, we can walk to the park and take pictures, what do you think?" She suggested, i sighed and nodded, she smiled.

"Sure, um tomorrow?" She nodded. Suddenly her boyfriend came and wrapped her arms around her waist hugging her from behind.

"Let's go baby girl" He said, i felt disgusted.

"Oh right babe, okay so it's settled, see you Y/N" She said smiling and grabbing his hand, she pecked his cheek with a loud kiss and they walked away, i stood there just looking at how they disappear of he classroom, i felt hurt and totally stupid. I'm in love with a girl that will never lay her eyes on me.

I cant kiss her, but he can, i cant hug her but he can, i will never be able to give her what he gives to her.

"Oh how I wish, that was me...." I mumbled under my breathe.

Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now