Only you - Lexa

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»» Based on Only You by the queens aka little mix, in honor of the release of this bop, btw go stream it on spotify and buy it in itunes 😘
quick a/n: the cursive are flashbacks btw


Once upon a time we had it all
and somewhere down the line we went and lost it
one brick at time we watched it fall
i'm broken here tonight
and darling no one else can fix me only you

Y/N walked to the river, nearby arkadia, she looked at the sky, it was blue, more blue than ever, she sighed when the water touched her feet, she looked down and decided to swim for a moment.

She swam to the waterfall in the rocks, she slides under it and started to cry, she can't believe what happened in the last week, everything she thought she had now is just a memory.

"Lexa, come on, we have everything we want here, don't do this"

"That's not enough! i need more, i need to win to my enemies Y/N why don't you get it? Clarke knows it, she understands me" When she mentioned her, it really hurts.

"Why? you said you loved me!"

"I loved you, past, this is- god please don't make this harder than it is! i don't owe you anything, leave" Lexa finished her sentence and pushed Y/N to the door.

"You won't be happy, she can't make you happy as i can!"

"Just stop"

Tears fallen from her eyes, her cheek where wet, from the water and her tears, she needs to stop remembering these things, she doesn't gonna feel better in any way.

She was so broken, every day living in this hell, remembering the horrible moments she lived.

She finally walked out of the water and rested herself in a rock, where the sun touched her skin.
She relaxed herself for a while and closed her eyes.

"You're just so cute, i love when you touch my hand, when you hold my hand between yours" Lexa said looking at your eyes, while the both of you rested on the rock nearby the river.

"I love you"

"I love you too, with you Y/N i have it all, i dont need anything else, you bring all that happiness i needed, you can fix all my scars, you are the only one who can put all my broken pieces together, only you"

"Liar" Y/N thought, she opened her eyes and started getting dressed, she sighed and walked back to her house.

She made herself a house with woods and leaves, she left the polis after she fought with Lexa, after she changed her for Clarke.

She entered her house leaving her bag in the chair, she rested herself in her bed and sighed, she needs to get over this stupid shit, she needs to go out and be able to look at Lexa holding Clarke's hand or at least talk to Octavia, she hasn't done anything.

Y/N heard a knock in the door and snapped into reality.
She groaned and stood up walking to the door, she opened it and she saw someone she wasn't really expecting.

"Raven? what- what are you doing here?" She asked, Raven shrugged, she smiled and looked at Y/N.

"Just wanted to see you and to know how are you" Y/N frown, she sighed and moved to the side to let her walk in.

"What do you really want?"

"Really, i wanted to see you, even when you think no one worries about you i do" She sat in Y/N's bed and looked around. "It's such a comfy place, you really have skills"


"Ask away"

"How is she?"

"Look it's not good for you, she's not worth it, you deserve something better" Raven said and Y/N sighed furiously.

"Just tell me Raven"

She sighed. "She's fine, she's with Clarke, they have sex like animals and they are always sending heart eyes across the table all the fucking day, that's what you wanted to hear? fine" She said and it really hurt her but well she asked for it.

"Oh... okay, i really appreciate your honesty" Y/N sighed and tried to hold the tears.

"I'm sorry, i was harsh, you are starting to get over it and i'm not helping at all, let me help you, maybe i can fix it, give me a chance, you know how much you mean to me" Raven said and Y/N knew it, Raven loves her, she always has told her how much she likes her but she was blinded by Lexa so she never gave her a chance.

"No, i'm sorry, the only person who's able to fix me it's her!" Y/N said harshly at her, Raven just sighed and swipe out her tears. She hold her face and made her look at her.

"I know it hurts now but it'll get better, anytime soon, i'll make it up to you, i'm able to fix you"

"Leave please just leave me alone!" Y/N yelled and Raven gave up, she decided to leave her for now.

"Fine" She walked away and closed the door behind her.

Y/N walked out the door twenty minutes after Raven left.
The moon was full and already up in the sky, she walked down the light of it while tears rolled down her face.
She feels stupid for crying every day for the same shit but she can't get over it just now, she loves her, everyday more and it hurts her now that all the promises she made now are broken.

"I promise you, to walk with you under the moon every day, to make you happy, to give you everything you need and my unconditional love" Lexa said as they walked in the polis while the moon was up and the only light they had was given by it.

"I just want you, i just need you, walking out by the places we met every day, remembering the happy times we had and we are making, please don't ever leave me" Y/N said and Lexa smiled.

"I'll never leave you"

Y/N got tired of all the emotions she was feeling she ran her way back home swiping her tears out, she entered her house and rested herself on the door and saw a silhouette in the bed. She turned on the light.

"Lexa?" She breathed out and her heartbeat increased.

"Y/N... i... i'm sorry, i should've never leave you, i made a fucking mistake, i was blinded by the power, i love you" She said and walked to her, Y/N cried, her heart said run and kiss her but her mind was filled with anger and it says don't, she ended up running and falling in her arms, she kissed her roughly, Lexa kissed her back and rested her in the bed, she pulled away and Y/N opened her eyes.

She was not there.

Everything was a dream and she thought she will finally be fixed but not for now.

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