Childhood promises, broken hearts - Alycia

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She was my everything, she was my rock, she always stick up for me when i needed it the most. All of that changed when she left the city to persuade her dreams, i changed, she did, all of us did. She never came back to me like she said she will.

"Make a wish" The five years old girl said to me.

"I wish... i don't know all i want is now here" I mumbled shyly, she lifted my chin and smiled.

"I wish we can be best friends for life"

"I wish you never leave me" I murmured, she lifted her pinky promise finger and tangled it with mine.

"I promise you i will never ever leave your side, you and me against the world" She whispered in my ear the last part and i felt butterflies, i knew it was wrong because she was a girl.

"I love you Alycia"

"I love you more Y/N"

That was actually one of the thousand memories i have with her until we turn sixteen, she left and i never saw her again.

I rubbed my eyes and buffed, it was 3pm and i was already tired. I stood up and walked to the door after grabbing my wallet and walked out of my apartment.
Long story of why i don't leave with my parents, i will share it later maybe.

"Hey Y/N! how are you?" Maia my neighbor asked me, She is a good friend of mine lately, we shared many nights singing to Miley Cyrus and watching her movies, she's a good fan of her and so do i, i share that feeling.

"Hey Maia! i'm good here, you?" She smiled and nodded.

"Good! wanna come? i'm walking to get some food out there"

"Would love to but i'm waiting for someone" She said and i nodded. I turned around to walk away but she stopped me. "Wait! wanna hang out in my house? my friend is coming and i'm sure you can know here, she gonna love it"

"Ummm i'm not sure, you know how bad i am at making friends Maia" I mumbled and she sighed.

"It's gonna be fun come on!!" She whined, i sighed and nodded.

"Fine buy just let get coffee and i'll be back by five" She nodded and clapped satisfied.

"I'll be waiting!"


"Hello welcome to starbucks, what can i get you?"

"Hi Elena i wan a frappuccino" I said.

"Your usual?" She smiled and i nodded.

"Thank you" I turned around and crashed into someone, stupid me.

"Shit" She cursed. Oh no i made her throw her coffee all over herself. Stupid.

"I'm so so sorry! i haven't seen you there, let me help you" I said and she groaned.

"No! it's okay, i'll get clean, i- i was kind of distracted too" Her face relaxed and she sighed.

"I'm sorry, i live two streets down here i can help you out" I offered and she rolled her eyes but nod.

"Thank you..."

"Y/N" I smiled and she froze, her lips part apart and she gulped, her breathe was irregular and i started worrying. "Are you okay? is there something wrong?"

"N- no no, i'm totally fine, i'm sorry i really have to go i— i need to see a friend and i remembered it's pretty late already" She grabbed her things and rushed away, i stood there confused, very confused, i juat told her my name and she was like she saw a ghost or something. Weird.

Alycia's pov

No, no, no, no it can't be happening, it can't be her, fuck, the moment she told me her name i basically froze there, she was there so beautiful and adorable offering help, gosh i broke her heart breaking that promise, it wasn't my fault, i wanted to come back and look for her, it's just she wasn't there anymore.

"Hey miss Y/L/N... it's Y/N here?" Her face changed into a indifferent one, i felt uncomfortable and she shook her head.

"No Alycia, she left and you should too, she is a waste of time, she's not part of the family anymore, sorry now i'll go" She said and closed the door. I came back from Los Angeles to Sidney just to see her again, after five years i wanted to see her for a while, i missed her more than i should but she wasn't there and i couldn't look for her because i had nothing.

I sighed and walked away confused and broken.

Now i just arrived at Melbourne to visit Maia, i needed a coffee before so i decided to walk to starbucks, the last person i thought i would find would be her but IT WAS her, now i felt an ache on my chest, i feel like the tears want to come out because when she said her name i remembered everything and i feel horrible for leaving her.

I broke the promise, i left her and at the same time i left myself.

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