Happy lonely day? - Alycia

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"This day sucks" I whined.

"Come on, go out with me" Marny said, i rolled my eyes.

"Yeah no, that's not gonna happen, i really don't wanna thirdwheel you and Evan" She now rolls her eyes.

"Then why you don't invite Y/N out?" My face turned red and i bit my lip.

I laughed sarcastically. "Yeah like that is going to happen, she probably busy, you know she's married with medicine" I sighed.

"Give yourself a chance, maybe she's waiting for you to do the next move, maybe she's too shy to start something and that's why she hides behind her anatomy and shit"

Maybe she's right, but what if i get rejected? "But—"

"Nothing, go, she's in her apartment" I rolled my eyes because she interrupted me.

"Fine! i'll just go change, if i want to get a date i actually have to impress"

"She will love you even if you go there wearing a potato's costume" She giggled, i just shook my head and walked to my room.

I got dressed with a dress with flowers, i put my hair on a ponytail and walked out, i need to think on a present, maybe chocolates, she loves chocolates, flowers? she doesn't like them a lot but yes a special type of flowers i just know.

We have been friends for what? two years now, i guess, we met in a cafeteria, she was drinking a vanilla late, her favorite by the way and she accidentally spilled it in my shirt when i was walking by as she stood up to leave. It was kind of funny, we laughed and that's it, we talked for almost four hours and ate a lot of brownies.
She's special, she's cute, adorable, lovely, she's dedicated.
She's passionate when she loves something and she wanna go further, i adore that of her, i always wanted to take her on a date but always hearing her saying 'I don't have time for relationships' 'Studies are first' 'Gosh have you read this anatomy book' It's a bit disappointing, so i just kept my feelings.

I really hope she wants to go out.

"Wow, you really want her" I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks to clarify how desperate i am" I laughed.

"You actually are but it's okay, she will love it, now go! good luck and happy valentine's day!" Marny said kissing my cheek.

"Happy lonely day!"

"Shut up"


I walked to one of the best flowery here in LA. I was excited to get her some flowers, the one she loves, it's maybe classic but what makes them special are their colors.

"Hi can i get those roses?" I said pointing to the roses in front of me. The girl smiled and nodded.

"Here you go" She said waking with the flowers, they were beautiful.

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Alycia Debnam-Carey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now